Guided search - Assistive Products

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Included are products intended to improve, monitor or maintain the medical condition of a person.; Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals.

Assistive products for perceptual training

Assistive products for training in the correct acquisition and mental processing of external stimuli (coming from sight, hearing and other senses); Stimulators, see >04 27; Assistive products for heat or cold treatment, see >04 30; Equipment for movement, strength and balance training, see >04 48; Assistive products for communication therapy and training, see >05 03; Assistive products for training in cognitive skills, see >05 12

Assistive products for training in perceptual discrimination and matching

Equipment for helping a person to distinguish between, match and categorize external stimuli; Included are, e.g., vibrating chairs (for training deaf persons).

Assistive products for training in perceptual coordination

Equipment for training to improve ability to correctly process and coordinate external stimuli, especially those relating to concepts of space and time, spatial concepts and eye-hand coordination; Assistive products for training personal mobility, see >05 33 09

Assistive products for training in sensory integration

Products for facilitating the coordination and integration of incoming sensory information to the brain from different senses