Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 54. Search parameters: ISO Code: 18.12.28;
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 24/01/2025 - Latest update: 30/01/2025 -
KR Botved støttegreb til plejeseng
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 27/06/2012 - Latest update: 27/01/2025 -
KR Støttegreb til plejeseng
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 01/06/1999 - Latest update: 27/01/2025 -
Easy Up
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 12/03/2010 - Latest update: 10/01/2025 -
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 17/09/2010 - Latest update: 21/11/2024 -
CARELINE Zelfoprichter op voet
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Careline Group / Careline GesellschaftInsert date: 26/08/2022 - Latest update: 18/11/2024 -
Aufstehhlfe / Aufrichthilfe Bed Cane
Beds (ISO Code 18.12)
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: rehastage GmbHInsert date: 30/11/2011 - Latest update: 14/11/2024 -
Aufstehhilfe Frida
Beds (ISO Code 18.12)
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: rehastage GmbHInsert date: 30/11/2011 - Latest update: 14/11/2024 -
Aufstehhilfe Adv-Traveler
Beds (ISO Code 18.12)
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: rehastage GmbHInsert date: 30/11/2011 - Latest update: 14/11/2024 -
Aufrichter 2170000/2170001/217002
Beds (ISO Code 18.12)
Rails for self-lifting to be fixed to beds (ISO Code 18.12.28)Manufacturer: Dr. Paul Koch GmbHInsert date: 24/02/2016 - Latest update: 14/11/2024