Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 1196. Search parameters: ISO Code: 15.09;

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National Databases:
  • AZARIM: 0
Thematic Databases:
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Skala - Krus med påtrykt ml. og Antislip

    Skala - Krus med påtrykt ml. og Antislip

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 31/05/2021 - Latest update: 31/05/2021
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)


    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 21/10/2021 - Latest update: 08/12/2022
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Wow Cup - spildfri

    Wow Cup - spildfri

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 01/12/2021 - Latest update: 19/06/2023
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • WOW Cup Mini

    WOW Cup Mini

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 04/02/2022 - Latest update: 04/02/2022
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Næsekop med anti-slip bund og med låg

    Næsekop med anti-slip bund og med låg

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 17/02/2022 - Latest update: 17/02/2022
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • TotalCup


    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/07/2022 - Latest update: 07/01/2024
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Næse kop med ergonomisk udskæring

    Næse kop med ergonomisk udskæring

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/05/2023 - Latest update: 03/05/2023
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Anse universelle Duo

    Anse universelle Duo

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: ASA Initia
    Insert date: 13/01/2023 - Latest update: 13/01/2023
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Handicat (FR)
  • Verre modulable Sippa

    Verre modulable Sippa

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Inconnu
    Insert date: 11/07/2022 - Latest update: 26/01/2023
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Handicat (FR)
  • Verre doseur parlant pour les liquides

    Verre doseur parlant pour les liquides

    Mugs, glasses and cups and saucers (ISO Code 15.09.16)
    Manufacturer: Inconnu
    Insert date: 04/10/2021 - Latest update: 04/04/2024
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Handicat (FR)