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ISO Code

Products intended to aid a person in engaging in all aspects of a job, trade, occupation or profession, including vocational training. Included are, e.g. machines, devices, vehicles, tools, computer software, production and office equipment, furniture and facilities and materials for vocational assessment and vocational training. Excluded are products that are mainly used outside the work environment. Assistive products for education and for training in skills, see >05. Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation, see >12. Furnishings, fixtures and other assistive products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments, see >18. Assistive products for communication and information management, see >22

Assistive products for hoisting and repositioning objects in workplaces

Devices for raising or repositioning materials, loads or persons in the work environment. Included are, e.g. tackles, balancers, manipulators, lifting tables, lifting and positioning. robots, industrial robots, cranes. Hoists to transfer person into or out of vehicles without wheelchair, see >121215. Assistive products for transferring person seated in wheelchair into or out of vehicles, see >121218. Assistive products for loading unoccupied wheelchairs onto or into vehicles, see >121221. Assistive products for changing body position, see >12 31. Assistive products for lifting persons, see >12 36. Assistive products to assist or replace arm function, hand function, finger function or combination of these functions, see >24 18. Assistive products for transporting objects in workplaces, see >28 06

Cranes, tackles and load handling attachments

Manually operated or power-driven lifting equipment with winders or pulleys and attachments for the horizontal and vertical transfer of cargo and other objects. Included are, e.g. travelling crabs, rotary cranes, overhead cranes, chains, cables, ropes, hooks, pulleys, claw grippers.

Manipulators and weight balancers

Overhead or floor guided equipment enabling lifting, repositioning and depositing or balancing of cargo and other objects by means of horizontal, vertical and rotary movements. Included are, e.g. remote controlled manipulators.

Lifting and positioning systems for workplaces

Stationary, rotating-sliding or inclinable equipment to position or lift cargo and other objects in comfortable reach of the user. Included are, e.g. lifting tables. Stands, see >241812. Assistive products for positioning, see >24 24

Lifting platforms for workplaces

Platforms for lifting and positioning a person to enable work activity on different levels. Assistive products for vertical accessibility, see >18 30