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ISO Code

Products intended to support or replace a person’s capacity to receive, send, produce and process information in different forms, including communicating by language, signs and symbols, receiving and producing messages, carrying on conversations and using communication devices and techniques. Included are, e.g. devices for seeing, hearing, reading, writing, telephoning, signalling and alarming, information technology. Assistive products for office administration, information storage and management. at work, see >28 21

Assistive products that record, play and display audio and visual information

Devices that record or deliver information in audio or visual formats and products that. combine any of those functions. Included are, e.g. audio and video equipment, televisions, sound transmission systems, products that process audio or visual information to enhance its quality and usefulness, such as filtering noises or converting analog to digital information. Headphones, see >221838. Visual computer displays and accessories, see >223904

Sound recording and playing devices

Devices for recording and playback of sounds. Included are, e.g. reel-to-reel and all types of tape recorders, index tone generators, demagnetizers, digital audio playback and recording devices such as minidiscs, CD players and DAISY players.

Video recording and playing devices

Devices for saving and playing visual images and motion pictures on tape or other electronic media. Included are, e.g. cameras, video players, digital video recorders and players.

Radio receivers

Included are, e.g. radio sets.

Two-way radios

Devices for receiving and transmitting mainly one to one remote radio communication. Included are, e.g. Citizens Band (CB), Family Radio Services (FRS), General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), marine radios.


Included are, e.g. digital and high definition televisions.

Closed-circuit television systems

Closed systems for transmitting images with a camera to a recorder or direct displaying. in a remote location. Image-enlarging video systems, see >220318. Monitoring and positioning systems, see >222724

Decoders for videotext and text television

Devices for translating videotext into artificial speech and decoding spoken output to provide video captions. Excluded are speech recognition systems.

Radio frequency transmission systems

Devices for receiving or transmitting high-frequency modulated electromagnetic waves. Included are, e.g. systems, transmitters and receivers for local one-way communication. Assistive products for hearing, see >22 06

Infrared (IR) systems for audio information

Devices for receiving or transmitting audio information using infrared light. Included are, e.g. systems, transmitters and receivers for local one-way communication, e.g. personal remote voice transmission and voice transmission systems for auditorium. Assistive products for hearing, see >22 06. Assistive products for controlling from a distance, see >24 13

Induction loop devices

Devices for receiving or transmitting information using electromagnetic waves in. induction loop systems. Included are, e.g. audio-frequency and carrier-frequency induction loop systems, induction loop receivers. Assistive products for hearing, see >22 06


Included are, e.g. headset microphones.


Included are, e.g. devices that increase the volume of TVs, radios, stereos or are used. together with communication amplifiers. Assistive products that record, play and display audio and visual information, see >22 18