Guided search - Regulations

Select an ISO product classification code (codes defined by the ISO 9999:2011 standard). Click on 'search' in case you wish to get the results list. Click on the code description in case you wish to browse the classification.

ISO Code

Products intended to aid a person in engaging in all aspects of a job, trade, occupation or profession, including vocational training. Included are, e.g. machines, devices, vehicles, tools, computer software, production and office equipment, furniture and facilities and materials for vocational assessment and vocational training. Excluded are products that are mainly used outside the work environment. Assistive products for education and for training in skills, see >05. Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation, see >12. Furnishings, fixtures and other assistive products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments, see >18. Assistive products for communication and information management, see >22

Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training

Equipment, materials or software that evaluates suitability and aptitude for a vocation or assists a person in the acquisition or development of basic and complex vocational skills. Assistive products for training in cognitive skills, see >05 12. Assistive products for training in basic skills, see >05 15. Assistive products for training in educational subjects, see >05 18. Assistive products for training in social skills, see >05 27

Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational guidance

Products for testing and evaluating abilities and interests for an occupation, business or profession

Assistive products for vocational training

Products that teach basic vocational skills, e.g. computers, use of telecommunication, training in programming, training in economic subjects. Assistive products for telephoning and telematic messaging, see >22 24. Assistive products for alarming, indicating, reminding and signalling, see >22 27