Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 305. Search parameters: ISO Code: 06.03;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Lændestøtte med stivere

    Lændestøtte med stivere

    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 20/09/2019 - Latest update: 06/05/2021
    Similarity: 8%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Korsetthemd mit Schulterträgern und Achselschützer (Rundausschnitt)

    Korsetthemd mit Schulterträgern und Achselschützer (Rundausschnitt)

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.09)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 30/12/1997 - Latest update: 19/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Camp Elcross Gold-Rückenstützbandage (26 cm hoch, Bauchmodell), ohne Pelotte

    Camp Elcross Gold-Rückenstützbandage (26 cm hoch, Bauchmodell), ohne Pelotte

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: CAMP Group - europaweites Netzwerk
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 16/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Camp Elcross Gold-Rückenstützbandage (23 cm hoch), ohne Pelotte

    Camp Elcross Gold-Rückenstützbandage (23 cm hoch), ohne Pelotte

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: CAMP Group - europaweites Netzwerk
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 16/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Posture Flexi Corrector

    Posture Flexi Corrector

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Thoracic orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.07)
    Manufacturer: Swedish Posture
    Insert date: 18/09/2018 - Latest update: 15/04/2021
    Similarity: 100%
    Source database:
  • Sat 35 Men - Orthese mit Schulterträgern

    Sat 35 Men - Orthese mit Schulterträgern

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.09)
    Manufacturer: Orthoservice AG
    Insert date: 10/06/2015 - Latest update: 14/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • litecross91 - Elastische Orthese

    litecross91 - Elastische Orthese

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: Orthoservice AG
    Insert date: 10/06/2015 - Latest update: 14/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Lumbo Fit 70

    Lumbo Fit 70

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: Orthoservice AG
    Insert date: 09/06/2015 - Latest update: 14/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Nierengurt mit Stabilisator

    Nierengurt mit Stabilisator

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.06)
    Manufacturer: OHRSANA GmbH
    Insert date: 20/08/2008 - Latest update: 13/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database:
  • Tricodur Cerviforte

    Tricodur Cerviforte

    Spinal and cranial orthoses (ISO Code 06.03)
    Cervical orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.12)
    Manufacturer: BSN medical GmbH
    Insert date: 19/05/2006 - Latest update: 06/04/2021
    Similarity: 0%
    Source database: