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Select an ISO product classification code (codes defined by the ISO 9999:2011 standard). Click on 'search' in case you wish to get the results list. Click on the code description in case you wish to browse the classification.

ISO Code

Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition, and products that support, or provide a substitute for, a specific body function. Included are, e.g. products used in “medical treatment”. Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals. Assistive products for education and for training in skills, see >05; Assistive products attached to the body for supporting neuromusculoskeletal or movement related functions (orthoses) and replacing anatomical structures (prostheses), see >06; Tilting tables, see >053606; Assistive products for seeing, see >22 03; Assistive products for hearing, see >22 06

Assistive products for administering medicines

Assistive products to control the rate and quantity of medicines administered. Included are, e.g. devices that assist or help the introduction of liquid medicines. directly into the body through the skin. Openers, see >240603

Assistive products for measuring, dispensing or modifying medication to ensure its proper use

Devices to enable a person to measure the correct dosage of medicine, taken orally or injected; to dispense the correct dosage of a medicine; to modify a tablet, capsule or pill. to obtain a lower dose of the active ingredient; or to modify the form of a medication to facilitate its proper administration or consumption. Included are, e.g. pill crushers, pill splitters, assistive products for measuring the volume of liquid medicine. Assistive products for alarming, indicating, reminding and signalling, see >22 27

Injection guns

Devices with a trigger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through the skin

Injection syringes, single-use

Devices with a plunger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through a needle inserted in the skin; each syringe is intended for single use only

Injection syringes, multi-use

Devices with a plunger for introducing liquid medicines directly into the body through a needle inserted in the skin; each syringe can be sterilized and re-used

Injection needles, single-use

Needles intended for single use only

Injection needles, multi-use or permanent use

Needles that can be sterilized and re-used and needles that can stay in the body for a long period of time

Infusion pumps

Devices attached to the body for the automatic administration of medicine (including. nutrients) directly into the blood vessels. Included are, e.g. insulin pumps, feeding pumps, accessories for parenteral (intravenous) feeding. Feeding systems for enteral feeding, see >150930

Unpowered infusion systems

Intravenous drip systems for the administration of medicine.

Accessories for assistive products for administering medicines

Included are, e.g. products for positioning of needles and fixation of needles.