Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 940. Search parameters: ISO Code: 15.09;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Easy Eat Set

    Easy Eat Set

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Saint Romain
    Insert date: 17/11/2017 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 7%
    Source database:
  • Ergonomisch frei formbarer Löffel

    Ergonomisch frei formbarer Löffel

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Saint Romain
    Insert date: 17/11/2017 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 7%
    Source database:
  • Griffsichere leichte Gabel

    Griffsichere leichte Gabel

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Saint Romain
    Insert date: 16/09/2024 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 7%
    Source database:
  • Ergonomisch in drei Richtungen formbarer Löffel Ergo Flex

    Ergonomisch in drei Richtungen formbarer Löffel Ergo Flex

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Saint Romain
    Insert date: 16/09/2024 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 7%
    Source database:
  • Ergonomisch in drei Richtungen biegbare Gabel Ergo Flex

    Ergonomisch in drei Richtungen biegbare Gabel Ergo Flex

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Saint Romain
    Insert date: 16/09/2024 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 7%
    Source database:
  • Mondo Basic für Essen auf Rädern

    Mondo Basic für Essen auf Rädern

    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Assistive products for serving and storing food and drink (ISO Code 15.09.03)
    Manufacturer: DINNER-MAX GmbH
    Insert date: 30/12/1996 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Similarity: 6%
    Source database:


    Assistive products for eating and drinking (ISO Code 15.09)
    Plates and bowls (ISO Code 15.09.18)
    Manufacturer: Ornamin-Kunststoffwerke GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 27/09/2010 - Latest update: 11/09/2024
    Similarity: 6%
    Source database:
  • Obi spisehjælpemiddel

    Obi spisehjælpemiddel

    Feeding apparatus (ISO Code 15.09.27)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 14/11/2017 - Latest update: 05/09/2024
    Similarity: 6%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Etac Relieve vinklet smørekniv

    Etac Relieve vinklet smørekniv

    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 02/07/2004 - Latest update: 05/09/2024
    Similarity: 9%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Etac Feed vinklede skeer

    Etac Feed vinklede skeer

    Cutlery, chopsticks and straws (ISO Code 15.09.13)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 05/09/2003 - Latest update: 05/09/2024
    Similarity: 8%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)