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Zoek volgens de ISO product classificatie (codes gedefinieerd door de ISO 9999:2011 standaard). Selecteer de "zoek" link om een lijst met resultaten te verkrijgen, selecteer de code indien u een lijst met code beschrijvingen wilt vinden).

ISO Code
Hulpmiddelen voor rekenen

Computers en beeldschermen, zie 22 33.

Niet-elektrische rekenhulpmiddelen

Inclusief telramen en rekenlinialen.

Assistive products for training and supporting the basics of arithmetic

Products designed to assist in the acquisition of the conceptual link between the number of objects, figures and basic arithmetical operations.

Assistive products for training in basic geometric skills

Products that enable a person to learn the main characteristics of geometric shapes, and to recognize, name and compare shapes.

Assistive products in understanding of money

Included are assistive products for understanding valuation, means of payment.

Assistive products for training in mathematics and physical sciences

Products to assist in educating a person in mathematics and the natural sciences such as biology, physics and chemistry.