Mauro, 50 years old. Adaptation of the workplace for a systems analyst with spastic quadriplegia

  • Forfattere: Pigini L, Liverani G
  • Engelsk tittel: Mauro, 50 years old. Adaptation of the workplace for a systems analyst with spastic quadriplegia
  • Originaltittel: Mauro, 50 anni. Riadattamento del posto di lavoro per un sistemista con tetra paresi spastica
  • Publiseringsdetaljer: Portale SIVA Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi
  • Publiserings år: 2009
  • Registreringsdato: 12.07.2011
  • Sist oppdatert: 14.05.2013
  • Database: Siva (IT)

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