Guidet søk - Kasusbeskrivelser

Søk etter ISO-klassifiseringskode (koder i henhold til ISO 9999: 2007-standarden). Velg "Søk" for å se listen over produkter. Velg kodebeskrivelse for å søke i klassifiseringen.


Products intended to provide instruction that improves a person's capacity and performance of physical, mental and social activities with the goal of enhancing the person’s participation in all relevant domains (such as communication, self-care, mobility, housekeeping, work, education, and recreation). Included are, e.g. assistive products used in education/learning. Included are, e.g. assessment, test and evaluation materials. Devices that have a function other than training, but that may also be used for training, should be included in the class covering its principal function. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see >28 27

Assistive products for communication therapy and communication training

Products for improving communication skills in written and spoken languages. Assistive products for training in alternative and augmentative communication, see >05 06. Assistive products for mother tongue training, see >051803. Assistive products for foreign language training, see >051806. Assistive products that record, play and display audio and visual information, see >22 18

Assistive products for training in alternative and augmentative communication

Assistive products for training alternative communication techniques and vocabulary. to allow interpersonal communication. Included are, e.g. Braille, sign language, Bliss language. Assistive products for communication and information management, see >22

Assistive products for continence training

Devices to train a person to control the bladder and the intestines

Assistive products for training in cognitive skills

Assistive products designed to enhance the abilities that underlie reasoning and logical. activities, e.g. memory, attention, concentration, conceptual and applied thinking. Assistive products for communication and information management, see >22

Assistive products for training in basic skills

Assistive products for training in sensory integration, see >043609

Assistive products for training in educational subjects

Included are, e.g. assistive products to enable study and competence acquisition in a range of areas. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see >28 27

Assistive products for training in arts

Products for the acquisition and the exercise of functional abilities and tools allowing. artistic expression in a range of fields. Assistive products for recreation and leisure, see >30

Assistive products for training in social skills

Devices and material that enable individuals to learn how to interact with the outside. world, both in terms of individual social integration and relationships with others

Assistive products for training in control of input units and handling products and goods

Physical test and evaluation materials, see >042418. Assistive products for perceptual training, see >04 36. Equipment for movement, strength and balance training, see >04 48. Input devices for computers, see >22 36. Assistive products for controlling, carrying, moving and handling objects and devices, see >24

Assistive products for training in daily living activities

Assistive products for self-care activities and participation in self-care, see >09