查詢結果 - 輔具

符合產品數: 13. 查詢條件: ISO編碼: 12.18.24;


If you do not wish to see information from any of the national databases then remove the tick above its name by clicking on it and then clicking on the 'Refresh' button.

National Databases:
  • AZARIM: 0
Thematic Databases:
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Burley Travoy Lastenanhänger

    Burley Travoy Lastenanhänger

    Trailers for cycles (ISO Code 12.18.24)
    自行車 (ISO Code 12.18)
    製造商: keine Angaben
    刊載日期: 2022/4/12 - 最近更新: 2022/4/12
  • Wike Cykelanhænger til handicappede voksne XL

    Wike Cykelanhænger til handicappede voksne XL

    Trailers for cycles (ISO Code 12.18.24)
    製造商: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    刊載日期: 2021/7/9 - 最近更新: 2021/7/19
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Kangoo classic

    Kangoo classic

    人力驅動運行裝置 (ISO Code 12.27)
    附篷推車 (ISO Code 12.27.07)
    Trailers for cycles (ISO Code 12.18.24)
    自行車 (ISO Code 12.18)
    製造商: BoGeTec GmbH
    刊載日期: 2001/12/30 - 最近更新: 2020/11/17