Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 667. Search parameters: ISO Code: 06;
Skulderbandage til skulderluksation - OMO-LUX
Shoulder orthoses (ISO Code 06.06.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/12/2023 - Latest update: 15/12/2023 -
Håndledsortose - Manu-X
Wrist-hand orthoses (ISO Code 06.06.12)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/12/2023 - Latest update: 15/12/2023 -
Ankelbind - FIBULO-TAPE
Ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code 06.12.06)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/12/2023 - Latest update: 15/12/2023 -
Senebandager til springknæ (hverdag / sport)
Knee orthoses (ISO Code 06.12.09)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 08/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
4-punkts knæskinner
Knee orthoses (ISO Code 06.12.09)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 04/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
Skulderortose til sikring af skulderled efter parese - Neuro-Lux II
Shoulder orthoses (ISO Code 06.06.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
Ankelbandage - SWEDE-O-UNIVERSAL
Ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code 06.12.06)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
Håndleds-, finger- og tommelortoser - MANU-HiT-serien
Wrist-hand orthoses (ISO Code 06.06.12)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 12/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
Knæbandage - GENU-HiT-serien
Knee orthoses (ISO Code 06.12.09)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 04/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023 -
Rygstøtter - VERTEBRADYN-serien
Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code 06.03.09)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 04/12/2023 - Latest update: 14/12/2023