Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 89. Search parameters: ISO Code: 22.45;

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National Databases:
  • AZARIM: 0
Thematic Databases:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Piepsy


    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Assistive products for acoustic navigation (ISO Code 22.45.06)
    Manufacturer: VISTAC GmbH
    Insert date: 19/03/2024 - Latest update: 19/03/2024
    Source database:
  • Tactonom Reader

    Tactonom Reader

    Tactile orientation materials (ISO Code 22.45.12)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 16/09/2022 - Latest update: 28/02/2024
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Obstacle Detector App voor iphone / apple devices

    Obstacle Detector App voor iphone / apple devices

    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 20/02/2024 - Latest update: 22/02/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • WeWalk


    Guide canes and symbol canes for orientation (ISO Code 12.08)
    Guide canes (ISO Code 12.08.03)
    Assistive products for acoustic navigation (ISO Code 22.45.06)
    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Manufacturer: Reinecker Vision GmbH
    Insert date: 15/03/2022 - Latest update: 20/02/2024
    Source database:
  • Farberkennungsgerät Color Star

    FarberkennungsgerÀt Color Star

    Assistive products for acoustic navigation (ISO Code 22.45.06)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Measuring instruments (ISO Code 27.06)
    Assistive products and tools for measuring colours (ISO Code 27.06.24)
    Manufacturer: Marland GmbH
    Insert date: 16/05/2022 - Latest update: 20/02/2024
    Source database:
  • Orientierungshilfe Fledermaus

    Orientierungshilfe Fledermaus

    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Manufacturer: SynPhon Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH
    Insert date: 15/03/2022 - Latest update: 20/02/2024
    Source database:
  • NaviLens


    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    Assistive products for reading, writing and drawing (ISO Code 22.13)
    Text-to-speech devices and software (ISO Code 22.13.15)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 03/05/2022 - Latest update: 20/02/2024
    Source database:
  • Akustikgerät BLX Kombi S

    AkustikgerÀt BLX Kombi S

    Assistive products for acoustic navigation (ISO Code 22.45.06)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Manufacturer: RTB GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 01/04/2016 - Latest update: 15/02/2024
    Source database:
  • Victor Reader Trek

    Victor Reader Trek

    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    DAISY players and e-book readers (ISO Code 22.13.21)
    Assistive products for orientation (ISO Code 22.45)
    Assistive products for reading, writing and drawing (ISO Code 22.13)
    Manufacturer: Humanware
    Insert date: 26/09/2018 - Latest update: 06/02/2024
    Source database:
  • FUSION LAB Biped obstakeldetectie mogelijk met app met GPS-instructies

    FUSION LAB Biped obstakeldetectie mogelijk met app met GPS-instructies

    Assistive products for electronic orientation (ISO Code 22.45.03)
    Manufacturer: Fusion Lab Technologies Sarl
    Insert date: 26/01/2024 - Latest update: 29/01/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)