Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 170. Search parameters: ISO Code: 04.48.12;
Træningsredskab, Inimove Hand
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 23/06/2016 - Latest update: 23/05/2024 -
Træningsredskab, Inimove Cognitive
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 23/06/2016 - Latest update: 23/05/2024 -
POLYFORM - Handrollen & Handbälle
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: POLYFORM GmbH & Co. KGInsert date: 30/12/2007 - Latest update: 21/05/2024 -
Ball als Handtrainer
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: Bisanz Medizinische Polster GmbHInsert date: 30/12/1993 - Latest update: 21/05/2024 -
Digitaler Kraftmesser mit Sprachausgabe
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 30/12/2007 - Latest update: 16/05/2024 -
Softball 16 cm
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 30/12/1994 - Latest update: 16/04/2024 -
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 30/06/2009 - Latest update: 25/03/2024 -
Hand- und Armtrainer
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: AFH WebshopInsert date: 19/03/2024 - Latest update: 19/03/2024 -
Motorik Gewindestange
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 21/02/2020 - Latest update: 19/03/2024 -
Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training (ISO Code 04.48)
Finger and hand exercise devices (ISO Code 04.48.12)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 30/01/2019 - Latest update: 18/03/2024