Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 276. Search parameters: ISO Code: 09.07.03;
BODYPOINT Borststeun harnas / schouderharnas / Stayflex / Pivofit e.a.
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: Bodypoint, Inc.Insert date: 15/10/2019 - Latest update: 30/09/2024 -
BODYPOINT Universele elastische band positioneringsgordel
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: Bodypoint, Inc.Insert date: 18/03/2022 - Latest update: 30/09/2024 -
Anti-escape vest Str. 1 og str. 2 til Autostol
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 17/11/2017 - Latest update: 16/09/2024 -
SUNRISE MEDICAL Jay positionering romp en bekken
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical (Nederland - België)Insert date: 10/02/2020 - Latest update: 10/09/2024 -
B&S REVA B&S Flexibele fixatielijn gordels en fixatie gamma
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: B&S RevalidatietechniekInsert date: 16/06/2005 - Latest update: 09/09/2024 -
Bodypoint Stayflex bryststøtte
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 06/01/2005 - Latest update: 28/08/2024 -
Assistive products for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07)
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 30/12/2002 - Latest update: 29/07/2024 -
Brustschultergurt Neopren
Assistive products for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07)
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: John GmbHInsert date: 25/06/2012 - Latest update: 22/07/2024 -
bioCARE Sitzhose Klett
Assistive products for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07)
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: B. & W. bioCARE GmbHInsert date: 02/06/2022 - Latest update: 22/07/2024 -
Beckenfixierhose mit Schnellverschluss
Assistive products for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07)
Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization (ISO Code 09.07.03)Manufacturer: keine AngabenInsert date: 07/06/2022 - Latest update: 22/07/2024