Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 566. Search parameters: ISO Code: 09.09;
Schoentrekker metaal met veer / zonder veer
Shoehorns and bootjacks (ISO Code 09.09.06)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 19/09/2005 - Latest update: 14/11/2024 -
Knopenhaak / ritstrekker combinatie AA4673
Zipper pullers (ISO Code 09.09.15)
Button hooks (ISO Code 09.09.18)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 28/09/2006 - Latest update: 07/11/2024 -
ERITEK Ort-o-mate
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Eritek InternationalInsert date: 22/12/2006 - Latest update: 19/04/2024 -
ETAC Socky kousenhulp / ook model voor steunkousen
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Etac AB (international)Insert date: 11/04/2007 - Latest update: 18/06/2024 -
ETAC Butler knopensluiter
Button hooks (ISO Code 09.09.18)Manufacturer: Etac AB (international)Insert date: 11/04/2007 - Latest update: 13/06/2024 -
ARION Easy-Slide aantrekhulp compressiekous met open teen
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Arion BeneluxInsert date: 24/12/2008 - Latest update: 25/03/2024 -
ARION Easy-Off uittrekhulp
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Arion BeneluxInsert date: 24/12/2008 - Latest update: 21/08/2024 -
ARION Handschoenen / Arion SlideX verlengstuk om compressiekousen aan te trekken
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Arion BeneluxInsert date: 06/01/2009 - Latest update: 30/10/2024 -
BUCKINGHAM HEALTHCARE Bra-Angel / Aankleedhulp beha AD100027
Dressing and undressing hooks or sticks (ISO Code 09.09.12)Manufacturer: Buckingham HealthcareInsert date: 09/02/2010 - Latest update: 04/11/2024 -
Kousenaantrekker met schuim handvat 2083, 208302, 280303, 208304
Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 09/02/2010 - Latest update: 07/11/2024