Search results - Assistive Products
Products found: 188. Search parameters: ISO Code: 09.24;
LoFric Nelaton-Katheter
Urine diverters (ISO Code 09.24)
Intermittent catheters inserted through the urethra (ISO Code 09.24.06)Manufacturer: Wellspect HealthCare GermanyInsert date: 08/08/2008 - Latest update: 25/10/2024Similarity: 7% -
Uromed-Katheterventil universal
Urine diverters (ISO Code 09.24)Manufacturer: UROMED Kurt Drews KGInsert date: 02/01/2008 - Latest update: 25/10/2024Similarity: 7% -
Etuis péniens DM
Penile sheaths (ISO Code 09.24.09)Manufacturer: Hollister France IncInsert date: 10/09/2015 - Latest update: 05/09/2023Similarity: 7% -
Dobbelt Y
Assistive products for self-catheterization (ISO Code 09.24.18)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 21/05/2005 - Latest update: 02/06/2023Similarity: 6% -
Intermittent catheters inserted through the urethra (ISO Code 09.24.06)Manufacturer: COLOPLAST DENMARKInsert date: 03/05/2016 - Latest update: 03/05/2016Similarity: 6% -
A hug for a catheter.
Body-worn urinals for men (ISO Code 09.24.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 17/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020Similarity: 6% -
Actreen-Self-shielded catheters for autocatheterization
Penile sheaths (ISO Code 09.24.09)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 06/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020Similarity: 6% -
Catheter is essential
Body-worn urinals for men (ISO Code 09.24.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020Similarity: 6% -
Comfort Urinal-Oranel Comfort
Body-worn urinals for men (ISO Code 09.24.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020Similarity: 6% -
Drip Dry-Oranel dry drip
Body-worn urinals for men (ISO Code 09.24.21)Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliersInsert date: 13/06/2019 - Latest update: 27/08/2024Similarity: 6%