Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 1690. Search parameters: ISO Code: 09.33;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
  • AZARIM: 0
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • LOPITAL Douchebrancard Stylex en specials 61003070

    LOPITAL Douchebrancard Stylex en specials 61003070

    Bathing stretchers, shower tables and diaper-changing tables (ISO Code 09.33.12)
    Manufacturer: Lopital Nederland
    Insert date: 03/09/2007 - Latest update: 10/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • Douchekruk rond

    Douchekruk rond

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 27/03/2024 - Latest update: 15/05/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • EASA Douchezit voor muurbevestiging EASA ergonomisch gevormd

    EASA Douchezit voor muurbevestiging EASA ergonomisch gevormd

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Easagroup
    Insert date: 23/03/2023 - Latest update: 11/03/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • KINGKRAFT Multibath

    KINGKRAFT Multibath

    Bathtubs (ISO Code 09.33.21)
    Manufacturer: Kingkraft Limited
    Insert date: 07/07/2009 - Latest update: 19/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • VAN OS Excelcare Douche- toiletrolstoel HC-840

    VAN OS Excelcare Douche- toiletrolstoel HC-840

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Van Os Medical
    Insert date: 23/03/2018 - Latest update: 16/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • PREMIS Douchezit RMA wandbevestiging uitsparing

    PREMIS Douchezit RMA wandbevestiging uitsparing

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Premis Medical
    Insert date: 17/12/2021 - Latest update: 29/10/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • DELABIE Sanitair toilet douche badkamer assortiment

    DELABIE Sanitair toilet douche badkamer assortiment

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Groupe Delabie (siège / production)
    Insert date: 28/04/2023 - Latest update: 03/07/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • LOPITAL Nemo Douche-/toiletstoel 51005100

    LOPITAL Nemo Douche-/toiletstoel 51005100

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Lopital Nederland
    Insert date: 14/12/2018 - Latest update: 10/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • PRESSALIT PLUS douchezit 450 in hoogte verstelbaar

    PRESSALIT PLUS douchezit 450 in hoogte verstelbaar

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Pressalit Care
    Insert date: 30/08/2021 - Latest update: 02/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • REBOTEC Verona

    REBOTEC Verona

    Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO Code 09.33.07)
    Manufacturer: Rebotec
    Insert date: 06/11/2015 - Latest update: 12/09/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)