Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 713. Search parameters: ISO Code: 12.18;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Co Pilot 3, 3-hjulet Tandem

    Co Pilot 3, 3-hjulet Tandem

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 09/09/2005 - Latest update: 21/02/2024
    Similarity: 45%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Twinny tandem

    Twinny tandem

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 22/10/2008 - Latest update: 21/11/2022
    Similarity: 45%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Lotse Tandemcykel 2-hjul

    Lotse Tandemcykel 2-hjul

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 08/04/2019 - Latest update: 05/01/2024
    Similarity: 45%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Kivo Tandem

    Kivo Tandem

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 01/10/2019 - Latest update: 21/11/2022
    Similarity: 45%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Fun2Go - 2

    Fun2Go - 2

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 04/05/2023 - Latest update: 18/12/2024
    Similarity: 45%
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Special mountain biking for adults and children

    Special mountain biking for adults and children

    Cycle adaptations (ISO Code 12.18.21)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020
    Similarity: 41%
    Source database:
  • Tricycle carrying a rider and two children

    Tricycle carrying a rider and two children

    Cycle adaptations (ISO Code 12.18.21)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020
    Similarity: 41%
    Source database:
  • Tricycle hands for a child and therapist

    Tricycle hands for a child and therapist

    Cycle adaptations (ISO Code 12.18.21)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/06/2019 - Latest update: 11/06/2020
    Similarity: 41%
    Source database:
  • HUKA Copilot 2 tweewieltandem met bestuurder achteraan 24/26

    HUKA Copilot 2 tweewieltandem met bestuurder achteraan 24/26

    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Huka Products
    Insert date: 18/05/1995 - Latest update: 21/10/2024
    Similarity: 39%
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • Rothenburg Tandem

    Rothenburg Tandem

    Cycles (ISO Code 12.18)
    Tandems, tricycles and four-wheeled cycles for two or more persons (ISO Code 12.18.15)
    Manufacturer: Fahrradfabrik Schauff GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 30/12/2003 - Latest update: 21/08/2023
    Similarity: 39%
    Source database: