Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 232. Search parameters: ISO Code: 12.24.42;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
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Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Pannier Bags

    Pannier Bags

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Glanmor
    Insert date: 07/04/2004 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Oxygen Cylinder Holder Bags

    Oxygen Cylinder Holder Bags

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Glanmor
    Insert date: 07/04/2004 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Oxygen Bottle Holder For Wheelchair & Scooter

    Oxygen Bottle Holder For Wheelchair & Scooter

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Insert date: 10/01/2005 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Oxygen Bag For Wheelchair

    Oxygen Bag For Wheelchair

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Sheerlines Ltd
    Insert date: 01/11/2018 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • NuHorizons Wheelchair Pannier Bag

    NuHorizons Wheelchair Pannier Bag

    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Bayliss Mobility
    Insert date: 22/10/2020 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • My Buggy Buddy Cool Bag For Wheelchairs & Rollators

    My Buggy Buddy Cool Bag For Wheelchairs & Rollators

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: My Buggy Buddy Ltd
    Insert date: 11/06/2019 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Multipurpose Mobility Bag

    Multipurpose Mobility Bag

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Accessories attached to assistive products for walking to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.07.24)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Insert date: 22/08/2006 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Moulded Wheelchair Lap Tray

    Moulded Wheelchair Lap Tray

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Insert date: 03/04/2003 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Mobility Rucksack With Pockets

    Mobility Rucksack With Pockets

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Afia Ltd
    Insert date: 10/04/2019 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Mobility Rucksack

    Mobility Rucksack

    Assistive products for carrying (ISO Code 24.36.03)
    Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects (ISO Code 12.24.42)
    Manufacturer: Simplantex Healthcare Ltd
    Insert date: 22/11/2017 - Latest update: 29/09/2021
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)