Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 344. Search parameters: ISO Code: 18.24;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Raumspartür Terzoplan-Glas

    Raumspartür Terzoplan-Glas

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Doors (ISO Code 18.24.09)
    Manufacturer: Parthos Inraumsysteme GmbH Germany
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Cobo 1-reihig

    Cobo 1-reihig

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Plumbing fittings and taps (ISO Code 18.24.03)
    Manufacturer: BEMM GmbH
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Elektro-Durchlauferhitzer electronicVED exclusiv

    Elektro-Durchlauferhitzer electronicVED exclusiv

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Plumbing fittings and taps (ISO Code 18.24.03)
    Manufacturer: Vaillant Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • lino Wandarmatur Aufputz K30

    lino Wandarmatur Aufputz K30

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Plumbing fittings and taps (ISO Code 18.24.03)
    Manufacturer: CONTI Sanitärarmaturen GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Euroeco special, Einhand-Spültischbatterie, DN 15

    Euroeco special, Einhand-Spültischbatterie, DN 15

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Plumbing fittings and taps (ISO Code 18.24.03)
    Manufacturer: GROHE Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Grohtherm 1000, Thermostat-Brausebatterie, DN 15

    Grohtherm 1000, Thermostat-Brausebatterie, DN 15

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Plumbing fittings and taps (ISO Code 18.24.03)
    Manufacturer: GROHE Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Excellent Rampenset - Quickramps

    Excellent Rampenset - Quickramps

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Thresholds (ISO Code 18.24.12)
    Manufacturer: Excellent Systems A/S
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Neubau Passivhauszertifizierte Nullschwelle MFAT 10 PH

    Neubau Passivhauszertifizierte Nullschwelle MFAT 10 PH

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Thresholds (ISO Code 18.24.12)
    Manufacturer: ALUMAT-Frey GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2006 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Raumspartür Terzoplan

    Raumspartür Terzoplan

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Doors (ISO Code 18.24.09)
    Manufacturer: Parthos Inraumsysteme GmbH Germany
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database:
  • Innentür / Raumspartür renoplan edited

    Innentür / Raumspartür renoplan edited

    Construction elements in homes and other premises (ISO Code 18.24)
    Doors (ISO Code 18.24.09)
    Manufacturer: Parthos Inraumsysteme GmbH Germany
    Insert date: 30/12/2005 - Latest update: 08/01/2025
    Source database: