Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 259. Search parameters: ISO Code: 24.06;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
  • AZARIM: 0
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
  • DLFData: 0
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • DYCEM Bokaalopener/Dycem dopopener

    DYCEM Bokaalopener/Dycem dopopener

    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Dycem Ltd
    Insert date: 23/03/1995 - Latest update: 26/03/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • BOA Bokaalopener Baby Boa AA5001

    BOA Bokaalopener Baby Boa AA5001

    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Boa Style
    Insert date: 30/09/2005 - Latest update: 25/03/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • PERFORMANCE HEALTH Bokaalopener AA5000Y

    PERFORMANCE HEALTH Bokaalopener AA5000Y

    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Performance Health International
    Insert date: 09/12/1994 - Latest update: 25/03/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)
  • Westmark Universalöffner 4in1 - Moby Dick

    Westmark Universalöffner 4in1 - Moby Dick

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Westmark GmbH
    Insert date: 25/03/2024 - Latest update: 25/03/2024
    Source database:
  • Schraubdeckelöffner Credo

    Schraubdeckelöffner Credo

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 30/12/2000 - Latest update: 22/03/2024
    Source database:
  • Flaschenöffner CAP TWISTER

    Flaschenöffner CAP TWISTER

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 22/03/2024
    Source database:
  • J-Popper Zugringdosenöffner

    J-Popper Zugringdosenöffner

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Brix Design A/S
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 06/03/2024
    Source database:
  • JarKey Deckelöffner Standard

    JarKey Deckelöffner Standard

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Brix Design A/S
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 06/03/2024
    Source database:
  • Dosenöffner CanPop

    Dosenöffner CanPop

    Assistive products to manipulate containers (ISO Code 24.06)
    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Brix Design A/S
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 06/03/2024
    Source database:
  • BRIX CapOff schroefdop opener

    BRIX CapOff schroefdop opener

    Container openers (ISO Code 24.06.03)
    Manufacturer: Brix Design A/S
    Insert date: 05/02/2020 - Latest update: 28/02/2024
    Source database:
    Vlibank (BE)