Search results - Assistive Products

Products found: 566. Search parameters: ISO Code: 09.09;

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National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Zip Pulls

    Zip Pulls

    Buttoning devices and fasteners (ISO Code 09.03.48)
    Button hooks (ISO Code 09.09.18)
    Dressing and undressing hooks or sticks (ISO Code 09.09.12)
    Zipper pullers (ISO Code 09.09.15)
    Manufacturer: MERU
    Insert date: 11/10/2012 - Latest update: 05/02/2025
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Doff N Donner

    Doff N Donner

    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 08/05/2019 - Latest update: 30/01/2025
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Medi Glidesok

    Medi Glidesok

    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 29/01/2025 - Latest update: 29/01/2025
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Kegle, Doff N Donner

    Kegle, Doff N Donner

    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 18/12/2024 - Latest update: 19/12/2024
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Vitility Lynlåsring 3 stk.

    Vitility Lynlåsring 3 stk.

    Zipper pullers (ISO Code 09.09.15)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 03/11/2024 - Latest update: 09/12/2024
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Einhand-Strumpfanzieher


    Assistive products for dressing and undressing (ISO Code 09.09)
    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 04/12/2024 - Latest update: 09/12/2024
    Source database:
  • Schuhlöffel - Feder

    Schuhlöffel - Feder

    Assistive products for dressing and undressing (ISO Code 09.09)
    Shoehorns and bootjacks (ISO Code 09.09.06)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 30/12/2003 - Latest update: 07/12/2024
    Source database:
  • An- und Ausziehhilfe für Kompressionsstrümpfe

    An- und Ausziehhilfe für Kompressionsstrümpfe

    Assistive products for dressing and undressing (ISO Code 09.09)
    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: keine Angaben
    Insert date: 15/10/2012 - Latest update: 26/11/2024
    Source database:
  • Strømpeaftager, Butler

    Strømpeaftager, Butler

    Assistive products for putting on or removing clothing (ISO Code 09.09.03)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 16/05/2006 - Latest update: 25/11/2024
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)
  • Etac Butler knappelukker lang

    Etac Butler knappelukker lang

    Button hooks (ISO Code 09.09.18)
    Manufacturer: Manufacturer unknown; see the original database for national suppliers
    Insert date: 01/06/1999 - Latest update: 25/11/2024
    Source database:
    Hjælpemiddelbasen (DK)