חפש לפי מילת מפתח בהתאם לסיווג תקן 9999
Selection option Abdominal hernia supports (ISO Code: 06.04.06) Abdominal muscle supports (ISO Code: 06.04.03) Abdominal orthoses (ISO Code: 06.04) Abdominal orthoses (finishing/components) (ISO Code: 06.04.12) Abdominal orthoses (interface components) (ISO Code: 06.04.09) Absorbent incontinence (washable, for children) (ISO Code: 09.30.15) Absorbent incontinence products (for children,resembling underwear, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.14) Absorbent incontinence products (for children,with fastener, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.13) Absorbent pads (insert type, for children, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.12) Absorbent product (washable) (ISO Code: 09.30.36) Absorbents (odour) (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Absorbing product to contain urine/faeces (ISO Code: 09.30) Absorption filters (light) (ISO Code: 22.03.03) Accessories (assistive products for operating /controlling electrical devices) (ISO Code: 24.13.27) Accessories (assistive products for walking to protectfrom injury) (ISO Code: 12.07.18) Accessories (guide canes and symbol canes) (ISO Code: 12.08.09) Accessories (machines/tools, workplace) (ISO Code: 28.15.18) Accessories (sitting furniture) (ISO Code: 18.10) Accessories (wheelchair seating) (ISO Code: 12.25) Accessories to enable a person to manoeuvre assistive products for walking (ISO Code: 12.07.30) Acoustic navigation (ISO Code: 22.45.06) Acoustic signal indicators (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Adapting (elements of physical environments) (ISO Code: 27) Additional flexion units (ISO Code: 06.18.41) Adhesive products (for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.31) Adjustable beds (manual) (ISO Code: 18.12.07) Administering medicines (assistive products) (ISO Code: 04.19) Agricultural machines/equipment (ISO Code: 28.15.12) Air cleaners (ISO Code: 27.03.06) Air cleaners (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.12) Air dryers (attached to a toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.36) Airplanes (mass transit vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.11) Airway protection (ISO Code: 09.06.27) Alarm system (environmental emergency) (ISO Code: 22.29.09) Alarm system (personal emergency) (ISO Code: 22.29.06) Alarming (ISO Code: 22.29) Alarms (incontinence) (ISO Code: 09.31.09) Alignment components (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.45) Alignment components (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.51) All-terrain vehicles (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Amplifiers (communication) (ISO Code: 22.06.06) Angling vision (ISO Code: 22.03.15) Animal care (ISO Code: 30.34) Ankle disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.06) Ankle joints (ISO Code: 06.12.21) Ankle-foot devices (prosthetic feet) (ISO Code: 06.24.27) Ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.06) Anti-oedema stockings (ISO Code: 04.06.06) Anti-slip assistive products (boots) (ISO Code: 09.03.45) Anti-slip assistive products (shoes) (ISO Code: 09.03.45) Anti-swivelling wheels (assistive products forwalking) (ISO Code: 12.07.30) Aprons (ISO Code: 09.03.39) Archery (ISO Code: 30.09.06) Arm exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.15) Arm protection (ISO Code: 09.06.12) Arm supports (mounted on toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.24) Arm supports to permit manual activities (ISO Code: 24.18.27) Arm supports(wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.25.09) Arm/hand/finger function replacement (ISO Code: 24.18) Articulating components (spinal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.03.27) Aspirators (ISO Code: 04.03.21) Assembly chairs (ISO Code: 28.03.09) Assistive products (body stabilization) (ISO Code: 09.07) Assistive products (Braille training) (ISO Code: 22.13.51) Assistive products (carrying) (ISO Code: 24.36.03) Assistive products (distant communication) (ISO Code: 22.24) Assistive products (extended reach) (ISO Code: 24.21) Assistive products (face-to-face communication) (ISO Code: 22.21) Assistive products (fastening wheelchairs in vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.12.24) Assistive products (managing time/memory/planning) (ISO Code: 22.28) Assistive products (operating / controlling/ electricaldevices) (ISO Code: 24.13) Assistive products (operating / controllingnon-electrical devices) (ISO Code: 24.09) Assistive products (serving / storing food / drink) (ISO Code: 15.09.03) Assistive products (sexual activity) (ISO Code: 09.54) Assistive products (signalling, alarming, monitoring,and identifying) (ISO Code: 22.29) Assistive products (stimulating senses with light) (ISO Code: 04.28.03) Assistive products (stimulating senses with sound)04 (ISO Code: 28.06) Assistive products (support in counting) (ISO Code: 22.15.12) Assistive products (the indoor environment toprevent burns / accidental fires) (ISO Code: 18.33.10) Assistive products (to manipulate containers) (ISO Code: 24.06) Assistive products (training in cued speech) (ISO Code: 22.21.27) Assistive products (training in finger spelling) (ISO Code: 22.21.18) Assistive products (training in lip-reading) (ISO Code: 22.21.24) Assistive products (training in Morse communication) (ISO Code: 22.21.36) Assistive products (training in reading) (ISO Code: 22.13.45) Assistive products (training in sign language) (ISO Code: 22.21.21) Assistive products (training in understanding oftime) (ISO Code: 22.28) Assistive products (training in use of tactile symbolsother than Braille) (ISO Code: 22.21.30) Assistive products (training in writing) (ISO Code: 22.13.48) Assistive products (training the use of visual symbolsfor communication) (ISO Code: 22.21.33) Assistive products (voice and speech functions) (ISO Code: 22.09) Assistive products (voice training /speech training) (ISO Code: 22.09.12) Attention (assistive products to support) (ISO Code: 22.28) Attention (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.09) Audio information handling (ISO Code: 22.18) Audio systems (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.18.39) Augmenting (orthoses) body parts (ISO Code: 06) Aural prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.24) Axial rotators (torque reducers) (ISO Code: 06.24.30) Axillary crutches (ISO Code: 12.03.12) Back cushions (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 18.10.03) Back cushions and back pads for tissue integrity (ISO Code: 04.33.04) Back fillers (ISO Code: 06.30.15) Back pads (pressure sore prevention) (ISO Code: 04.33.04) Back pads (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 18.10.03) Back supports (separate, adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.12.24) Back supports (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 18.10.03) Back supports for bath or shower (ISO Code: 09.33.08) Back supports for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.25.03) Bag closures (ostomy aids) (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Baggage trolleys (ISO Code: 24.36.09) Bags (additional, for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.17) Bags (attached to assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Bags (faeces collection) (ISO Code: 09.27.21) Bags (one-piece, for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.10) Bags (post-operative, for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.48) Bags (two-piece, for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.16) Baking devices (ISO Code: 15.03.12) Balance (training) (ISO Code: 04.48) Balancers (ISO Code: 28.09.06) Baskets (attached to assistive products forwalking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Baskets (carrying) (ISO Code: 12.31.18) Bath boards (ISO Code: 09.33.04) Bath mats (non-slip) (ISO Code: 09.33.06) Bath seats (ISO Code: 09.33.05) Bath thermometers (ISO Code: 09.33.45) Bath, reducing length or depth (ISO Code: 09.33.27) Bathing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.33) Bathing wear (ISO Code: 09.03.33) Baths (ISO Code: 09.33.24) Bathtub hoists (ISO Code: 12.36.15) Bathtub shelves (ISO Code: 09.33.24) Bathtubs (ISO Code: 09.33.21) Batteries (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.24) Battery chargers (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.24) Beards (ISO Code: 06.30.12) Bed tables (ISO Code: 18.03.15) Bed-boards (detachable, manually adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.12.07) Bed-boards (detachable, non-adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.12.04) Bed-boards (detachable, powered adjustment) (ISO Code: 18.12.10) Bedding (ISO Code: 18.12.15) Bed-lengthening (assistive products) (ISO Code: 18.12.33) Bed-lifts (ISO Code: 18.12.12) Bedpans (ISO Code: 09.12.33) Bedrails (self-lifting) (ISO Code: 18.12.28) Bedrails (side) (ISO Code: 18.12.26) Beds (manual adjustment) (ISO Code: 18.12.07) Beds (non-adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.12.04) Beds (powered adjustment) (ISO Code: 18.12.10) Beds and bed equipment (ISO Code: 18.12) Bed-shortening (ISO Code: 18.12.30) Bedside cabinets (also bed-table) (ISO Code: 18.36.09) Behind-the-ear hearing aids (ISO Code: 22.06.15) Belt conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Belt vests (vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.09) Belts (body stabilization) (ISO Code: 09.07.03) Belts (lifting) (ISO Code: 12.31.15) Belts (ostomy aids) (ISO Code: 09.18.19) Benches (respiration) (ISO Code: 04.03.24) Benches (work) (ISO Code: 28.03.06) Bibs (ISO Code: 09.03.39) Bicycles (connections to wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.24.36) Bicycles (foot-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.04) Bicycles (hand-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.05) Bidets (ISO Code: 09.33.18) Binoculars (monoculars) (ISO Code: 22.03.12) Biochemical test equipment (ISO Code: 04.24) Biofeedback devices (training) (ISO Code: 04.48.24) Blackboard lights (ISO Code: 18.06.09) Blanket supports (ISO Code: 18.12.21) Bliss communication (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.33) Blood analysis materials (ISO Code: 04.24.12) Blood pressure meters (ISO Code: 04.24.09) Blouses (ISO Code: 09.03.15) Boards (bath) (ISO Code: 09.33.04) Boating (ISO Code: 30.09.09) Body control and conceptualization (assistiveproducts for stimulating) (ISO Code: 04.08) Body position changing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 12.31) Body positioning (therapy) (ISO Code: 04.48.27) Body protection (ISO Code: 09.06.24) Body protection (body-worn) (ISO Code: 09.06) Body stabilization (ISO Code: 09.07) Body support units for hoists (ISO Code: 12.36.21) Body-worn upper limb orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06) Body-worn urinals (men) (ISO Code: 09.24.21) Body-worn urinals (women) (ISO Code: 09.24.15) Book holders (ISO Code: 22.13.06) Bootjacks (ISO Code: 09.09.06) Boots (ISO Code: 09.03.42) Bottle pourers (ISO Code: 15.09.03) Bowel irrigation (ISO Code: 09.18.24) Bowling (ISO Code: 30.09.12) Bowls (ISO Code: 15.09.18) Brackets (height-adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.15.06) Braille note-taking devices (portable) (ISO Code: 22.13.36) Braille training (ISO Code: 22.13.51) Braille writing equipment (manual) (ISO Code: 22.13.27) Brakes (vehicle adaptations) (ISO Code: 12.12.05) Brakes (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.18) Breast prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.18) Brushes (ISO Code: 15.12.06) Brushes (bathing) (ISO Code: 09.33.30) Brushes (dishwashing) (ISO Code: 15.06.06) Brushes (house-cleaning) (ISO Code: 15.12.06) Brushes (nail) (ISO Code: 09.36.03) Brushes with grip (ISO Code: 09.33.30) Brush-holders (ISO Code: 24.18.06) Buggies (ISO Code: 12.27.07) Buses (height-adjustable chassis) (ISO Code: 12.11.03) Buses (mass transit vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.11) Business functions (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Button hooks (ISO Code: 09.09.18) Buttoning devices (ISO Code: 09.03.48) Cabinets (bedside) (ISO Code: 18.36.09) Cabinets (medicine) (ISO Code: 18.36.12) CAD software (ISO Code: 22.13.42) Calculating (machines) (ISO Code: 22.15.06) Calculation (manual) (ISO Code: 22.15.03) Calculators (ISO Code: 22.15.06) Calendars (ISO Code: 22.28.06) Callous smoothers (ISO Code: 09.21.21) Cameras (for wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.24.45) Camping (ISO Code: 30.27) Canes (guide canes, orientation) (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Canes (multi-tip) (ISO Code: 12.03.16) Canes (symbol canes, orientation) (ISO Code: 12.08.06) Canes (white) (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Canes (with seat) (ISO Code: 12.03.18) CAPD (ISO Code: 04.15.06) Car telephones (ISO Code: 22.24.07) Caravanning (ISO Code: 30.27) Carpet sweepers (dry use) (ISO Code: 15.12.12) Carry unoccupied wheelchairs on vehicles (ISO Code: 12.12.30) Carrying (assistive products) (ISO Code: 24.36.03) Carrying chairs (ISO Code: 12.31.18) Carrying devices/objects (ISO Code: 24) Carrying workpieces/tools (ISO Code: 28.12.03) Cars (ISO Code: 12.10) Cars (height-adjustable chassis) (ISO Code: 12.10.03) Cars (low-speed) (ISO Code: 12.10.06) Cars (with raised roof) (ISO Code: 12.10.09) Carts (industrial sets) (ISO Code: 28.06.04) Castors (ISO Code: 24.36.06) Castors (industrial sets) (ISO Code: 28.06.04) Catheters (external) (ISO Code: 09.24.09) Catheters (intermittent, inserted through theurethra) (ISO Code: 09.24.06) Catheters (long-term indwelling) (ISO Code: 09.24.03) Cause/effect understanding (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.24) CD-ROM players (ISO Code: 22.33.18) Cell growth (intentional) (ISO Code: 04.27.21) Cervical orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.12) Cervico-thoracic orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.15) Cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.18) Chair-lifts (ISO Code: 18.09.24) Chairs (ISO Code: 18.09.03) Chairs (assist standing up) (ISO Code: 18.09.03) Chairs (coxit) (ISO Code: 18.09.09) Chairs (lounge, easy) (ISO Code: 18.09.15) Chairs (standing) (ISO Code: 18.09.07) Chairs (work and office) (ISO Code: 28.03.09) Chair-transporters (ISO Code: 18.09.24) Changing body position (assistive products) (ISO Code: 12.31) Chassis (vehicle adaptations) (ISO Code: 12.12.27) Child safety seats (vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Chopping devices (food and drink) (ISO Code: 15.03.06) Chopsticks (ISO Code: 15.09.13) Circulation therapy (ISO Code: 04.06) Clamps (ISO Code: 28.12.06) Classification (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.15) Claw grippers (ISO Code: 28.09.03) Cleaning devices (food) (ISO Code: 15.03.09) Cleaning devices (house) (ISO Code: 15.12) Cleaning machines/equipment (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.15.15) Cleaning tyres (wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.24.28) Climate control (internal) (ISO Code: 27.03.03) Clips (ISO Code: 24.27.12) Clocks (ISO Code: 22.28.03) Clothes (ISO Code: 09.03) Clothes holders (ISO Code: 09.09.09) Clothes-pegs (ISO Code: 15.15.39) Coats (ISO Code: 09.03.05) Cognitive skills (assistive products to support) (ISO Code: 22.28) Cognitive skills (training) (ISO Code: 04.26) Cognitive test/evaluation materials (ISO Code: 04.25) Cognitive therapy (assistive products) (ISO Code: 04.26) Cold treatment (ISO Code: 04.30.06) Collecting urine/faeces (ISO Code: 09.27) Collection systems (urine) (ISO Code: 09.27.18) Combs (ISO Code: 09.39.06) Commode chairs (with or without castors) (ISO Code: 09.12.03) Communication (ISO Code: 22) Communication (face-to-face) (ISO Code: 22.21) Communication (pictures/drawings, training) (ISO Code: 22.21.33) Communication amplifiers (ISO Code: 22.06.06) Compasses (ISO Code: 22.45.09) Compensating for (prostheses) body parts (ISO Code: 06) Component boxes (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Composing (music) (ISO Code: 30.12) Composite facial prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.30) Compression garments (ISO Code: 04.06.09) Compression garments (body control andconceptualization) (ISO Code: 04.08) Compression units (ISO Code: 04.06.09) Computers (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.33.18) Computers (keyboards) (ISO Code: 24.13.18) Computers (pointing devices) (ISO Code: 24.13.21) Concentration (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.09) Concept development (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.12) Condom catheters (ISO Code: 09.24.09) Condoms (ISO Code: 09.54.15) Connections (wheelchair to bicycles) (ISO Code: 12.24.36) Construction elements (homes) (ISO Code: 18.24) Construction machines/equipment (ISO Code: 28.15.12) Contact lenses (ISO Code: 22.03.06) Contain urine/faeces (absorbing products) (ISO Code: 09.30) Continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) (ISO Code: 04.15.06) Continuous brakes (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.30) Control systems (wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.24.03) Controlling (distance) (ISO Code: 24.13) Controlling (elements of physical environments) (ISO Code: 27) Controlling devices (ISO Code: 24.09) Controlling devices/objects (ISO Code: 24) Controlling illumination (ISO Code: 27.03.15) Controlling illumination (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.06) Conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Cooking (ISO Code: 15.03.18) Cooking units (ISO Code: 15.03.21) Cosmetic components (lower limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.12.36) Cosmetic components (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.47) Cosmetic components (upper limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.06.48) Cosmetic components (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.57) Counter tops (ISO Code: 18.24.21) Counting (assistive products to support) (ISO Code: 22.28) Counting (training) (ISO Code: 22.15.12) Counting units (ISO Code: 27.06.33) Coverings (mattress, tissue integrity) (ISO Code: 04.33.06) Coxit chairs (ISO Code: 18.09.09) Crabs (travelling) (ISO Code: 28.09.03) Cranes (ISO Code: 28.09.03) Cranial orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.21) Crawlers (ISO Code: 12.27.15) Crutches (axillary) (ISO Code: 12.03.12) Crutches (elbow) (ISO Code: 12.03.06) Crutches (forearm) (ISO Code: 12.03.09) Cued speech (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.27) Cupboards (ISO Code: 18.36.06) Cups (ISO Code: 15.09.16) Cups (suction) (ISO Code: 24.27.03) Curtain openers/closer (ISO Code: 18.21.09) Cushions (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.18) Cushions (positioning) (ISO Code: 09.07.06) Cushions (respiration) (ISO Code: 04.03.24) Cushions, back (pressure sore prevention) (ISO Code: 04.33.04) Cushions, seat (tissue integrity) (ISO Code: 04.33.03) Cushions/systems added to seats (assist tostand/sit) (ISO Code: 18.10.21) Cutlery (ISO Code: 15.09.13) Cutting devices (food and drink) (ISO Code: 15.03.06) Cycle adaptations (ISO Code: 12.18.21) Cycle trailers (ISO Code: 12.18.24) Cycles (exercise) (ISO Code: 04.48.03) Cycles (four-wheeled, for two or more persons) (ISO Code: 12.18.15) Daily time management (assistive products tosupport) (ISO Code: 22.28) DAISY players / e-book readers (ISO Code: 22.13.21) Darning devices (ISO Code: 15.15.06) Darning needles (ISO Code: 15.15.12) Daylight therapy lamps (ISO Code: 04.28.03) Decoders (videotext) (ISO Code: 22.18.21) Deductive reasoning (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.21) Defecation aids (ISO Code: 09.30) Dental care (ISO Code: 09.42) Dentures (ISO Code: 06.30.36) Deodorizers (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Desks (reading) (ISO Code: 18.03.06) Desks (workplace furniture) (ISO Code: 28.03.03) Desktop computers (ISO Code: 22.33.03) Devices mainly for speech communication (ISO Code: 22.24.07) Dialling assistive products (ISO Code: 22.24.21) Dialogue units (ISO Code: 22.21.09) Dialysis (instrument sets) (ISO Code: 04.15.12) Dialysis therapy (assistive products) (ISO Code: 04.15) Diaper-changing tables (ISO Code: 09.33.12) Dilatating stoma (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.18.22) Dishcloth wringers (ISO Code: 15.06.15) Dish-drainers (ISO Code: 15.06.09) Dishwashers (ISO Code: 15.06.18) Dishwashing (ISO Code: 15.06) Dishwashing brushes (ISO Code: 15.06.06) Disinfectants (ISO Code: 09.21.09) Dispensers for kitchen roll (ISO Code: 15.12.07) Displays (audible) (ISO Code: 22.39.07) Displays (tactile) (ISO Code: 22.39.05) Displays (visual) (ISO Code: 22.39.04) Disposable underwear (ISO Code: 09.30.24) Dividing devices (food and drink) (ISO Code: 15.03.06) Domestic activities (assistive products) (ISO Code: 15) Door openers/closers (ISO Code: 18.21.03) Door signals (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Doors (ISO Code: 18.24.09) Dosing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 04.19.04) Douches (built in to toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.06) Douches (for attachment to toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.36) Dragline conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Drainage catheters (stoma) (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Draining/flushing (stoma) (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Drawing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 22.13) Drawing (manual devices) (ISO Code: 22.13.24) Drawing (painting software) (ISO Code: 22.13.42) Drawing boards (ISO Code: 22.13.06) Drawing/handwriting (manual devices) (ISO Code: 22.13.24) Dresses (ISO Code: 09.03.21) Dressing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.09) Dressing hooks/sticks (ISO Code: 09.09.12) Drinking (ISO Code: 15.09) Drying (oneself, assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.33.36) Drying clothes (ISO Code: 15.15.43) Dummies for sexual activity (ISO Code: 09.54.03) Dust brushes (ISO Code: 15.12.03) Dusters (ISO Code: 15.12.06) Dustpans (ISO Code: 15.12.03) DVDs (ISO Code: 22.33.18) Ear prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.24) Ear protection (ISO Code: 09.06.09) Earphones (ISO Code: 22.18.38) Ear-trumpets (ISO Code: 22.06.03) Eating (ISO Code: 15.09) Egg cups (ISO Code: 15.09.24) Elastic shoelaces (ISO Code: 09.03.48) Elbow crutches (ISO Code: 12.03.06) Elbow disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.12) Elbow joints (ISO Code: 06.06.36) Elbow orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.15) Elbow protection (ISO Code: 09.06.12) Elbow units (ISO Code: 06.18.33) Elbow-wrist-hand orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.19) Electric gripping tongs (ISO Code: 24.21.06) Electric tractors (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Electrical properties (measuring) (ISO Code: 27.06.15) Electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment (ISO Code: 04.24.15) Electronic babysitters (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Electronic media (ISO Code: 22.18) Electronic orientation (ISO Code: 22.45.03) Elevating seats (vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Elevators (ISO Code: 18.30.03) Emergency alarm systems (environmental) (ISO Code: 22.29.09) Emergency alarm systems (personal) (ISO Code: 22.29.06) Emery boards (ISO Code: 09.36.06) Employment (assistive products) (ISO Code: 28) Enteral feeding (ISO Code: 15.09.30) Entry phones (ISO Code: 22.24.33) Environmental improvement (ISO Code: 27.03) Equestrianism (ISO Code: 30.09.15) Equestrianism (for movement, strength, balance /cardio training) (ISO Code: 04.48) Erection aids (ISO Code: 09.54.06) Ergometer cycles (ISO Code: 04.48.03) Evaluation materials (language) (ISO Code: 04.25.03) Exercise cycles (ISO Code: 04.48.03) Exercise devices (arm/trunk/leg) (ISO Code: 04.48.15) Exercising gait pattern (ISO Code: 04.48.07) Extenders (leg) (ISO Code: 18.15.03) Extenders (reach) (ISO Code: 24.21) Extenders (without gripping function) (ISO Code: 24.21.09) Extending vision (ISO Code: 22.03.15) External (side) joints (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.37) External (side) joints (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.39) External catheters (ISO Code: 09.24.09) Eye prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.21) Eye protection (ISO Code: 09.06.06) Eye protection (light therapy) (ISO Code: 04.09.09) Eyebrows (ISO Code: 06.30.09) Eyelashes (ISO Code: 06.30.09) Face protection (ISO Code: 09.06.06) Facial care (ISO Code: 09.45) Facial products (ISO Code: 09.45.06) Facial prostheses (composite) (ISO Code: 06.30.30) Facilitate movement up/down stairs (devices forwheelchairs, attached) (ISO Code: 12.24.39) Faeces (absorbing products to contain) (ISO Code: 09.30) Faeces collection bags (ISO Code: 09.27.21) Faeces collectors (ISO Code: 09.27) Faeces stoppers (ISO Code: 09.31.06) Fasteners (clothes) (ISO Code: 09.03.48) Fastening devices (urine collectors) (ISO Code: 09.27.13) Fastening equipment (wheelchair in vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.24) Feeding apparatus (ISO Code: 15.09.27) Feeding probes (ISO Code: 15.09.30) Feeding pumps (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Feeding systems for enteral feeding (ISO Code: 15.09.30) Fences (safety at home) (ISO Code: 18.33.06) Fencing (ISO Code: 30.09.18) FES (ISO Code: 06.15) Files (nail) (ISO Code: 09.36.06) Filing cabinets (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Filing paper documents (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.21.03) Filling products (for ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.20) Film production (ISO Code: 30.15) Filters (inhalation) (ISO Code: 04.03.06) Filters (light absorption) (ISO Code: 22.03.03) Finger orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.03) Finger spelling (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.18) Finger/hand exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.12) Finishing (cosmetic) components (lower limborthoses) (ISO Code: 06.12.36) Finishing (cosmetic) components (lower limbprostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.47) Finishing (cosmetic) components (upper limborthoses) (ISO Code: 06.06.48) Finishing (cosmetic) components (upper limbprostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.57) Finishing components (abdominal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.04.12) Finishing components (spinal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.03.36) Fire alarms (ISO Code: 22.29.09) Fire-resistant floor coverings (ISO Code: 18.33.18) Fishing (ISO Code: 30.24.06) Fittings (cabinets) (ISO Code: 18.36.15) Fittings (cupboards) (ISO Code: 18.36.15) Fixation (assistive products) (ISO Code: 24.27) Fixation of body-worn products (absorbingurine/faeces) (ISO Code: 09.30.39) Fixed ramps (ISO Code: 18.30.18) Fixing objects (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.12) Fixtures (assistive products, human-madeenvironments) (ISO Code: 18) Fixtures (tools) (ISO Code: 28.12.06) Flask brushes (ISO Code: 15.06.06) Floating devices (ISO Code: 09.33.39) Floor coverings (ISO Code: 18.24.15) Floor coverings (fire-resistant) (ISO Code: 18.33.18) Floor polishers (ISO Code: 15.12.24) Floor tactile materials (ISO Code: 18.33.15) Floor-mopping equipment (ISO Code: 15.12.22) Floors (non-slip materials) (ISO Code: 18.33.03) Flower arrangement (tools) (ISO Code: 15.18.12) Flushing syringes (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Flushing/draining (stoma) (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Flying (ISO Code: 30.09.21) Food dispensers (ISO Code: 15.09.06) Food preparation (machines) (ISO Code: 15.03.15) Food/drink preparing (ISO Code: 15.03) Foot orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.03) Foot protection (ISO Code: 09.06.21) Foot supports (ISO Code: 18.10.15) Foot-toe joints (ISO Code: 06.12.20) Forearm crutches (ISO Code: 12.03.09) Forearm orthoses (ulna-radius) (ISO Code: 06.06.20) Foreign language training (ISO Code: 22.31) Forklift trucks (ISO Code: 28.06.09) Four wheelers (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Four-wheeled cycles (ISO Code: 12.18.15) Four-wheeled motorized vehicles (diverse) (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Frames (lateral support) (ISO Code: 12.03.21) Freezers (ISO Code: 15.03.24) Frying (ISO Code: 15.03.18) Functional neuromuscular stimulators (ISO Code: 06.15) Funnels (ISO Code: 15.09.09) Furnishings (ISO Code: 18) Furniture (height adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.15) Furniture (storing tools/workpieces) (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Furniture (work) (ISO Code: 28.03) Games (ISO Code: 30.03.09) Gardening (domestic use) (ISO Code: 15.18) Gardening (protective/supportive devices) (ISO Code: 15.18.09) Gardening (tools, indoor) (ISO Code: 15.18.12) Gardening (tools, outdoor) (ISO Code: 15.18.03) Gardening beds (ISO Code: 15.18.06) Garments (compression) (ISO Code: 04.08) Garments (scar formation prevention) (ISO Code: 04.06.06) Gate openers/closers (ISO Code: 18.21) Geometric skills (ISO Code: 22.15.15) Glasses (ISO Code: 15.09.16) Glasses (electronic) (ISO Code: 22.03.06) Glasses (magnification) (ISO Code: 22.03.09) Gloves (ISO Code: 09.03.12) Go-carts (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Golf (ISO Code: 30.09.12) Grab bars (ISO Code: 18.18) Grab rails (removable) (ISO Code: 18.18.10) Grasping (ISO Code: 24.18.03) Grasping objects (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.12) Grip adapters (ISO Code: 24.18.06) Grip attachments (ISO Code: 24.18.06) Gripping tongs (electric) (ISO Code: 24.21.06) Gripping tongs (manual) (ISO Code: 24.21.03) Gripping workpieces/tools (ISO Code: 28.12.03) Grips (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.12) Guide canes (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Guide canes (symbol canes for orientation) (ISO Code: 12.08) Guns (injection) (ISO Code: 04.19.06) Haemodialysis units (HD) (ISO Code: 04.15.03) Hair care (ISO Code: 09.39) Hair dryers (ISO Code: 09.39.09) Hairbrushes (ISO Code: 09.39.06) Hairpieces (ISO Code: 06.30.06) Half-hand-bikes (ISO Code: 12.24.11) Hand orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.06) Hand protection (ISO Code: 09.06.15) Hand tools (powered, workplace) (ISO Code: 28.15.06) Hand/finger exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.12) Hand/finger joints (ISO Code: 06.06.32) Hand-finger orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.07) Handgrips (fixed) (ISO Code: 18.18.06) Handgrips (removable) (ISO Code: 18.18.10) Handicraft equipment (textile) (ISO Code: 30.18.03) Handicraft materials/tools/equipment (ISO Code: 30.18) Handicrafts with other materials (ISO Code: 30.18.18) Handles (fixed) (ISO Code: 24.09.06) Handles (rotating) (ISO Code: 24.09.09) Handling containers (ISO Code: 24.06) Handling devices/objects (ISO Code: 24) Handrails (supporting) (ISO Code: 18.18) Handwriting (ISO Code: 22.13.24) Harnesses (body stabilization) (ISO Code: 09.07.03) Harnesses (carrying) (ISO Code: 12.31.18) Harnesses (lifting) (ISO Code: 12.31.15) Harnesses (vehicle accessories) (ISO Code: 12.12.09) Head protection (ISO Code: 09.06.03) Head supports and neck supports for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.25.12) Headsets (ISO Code: 22.18.38) Headwear (ISO Code: 09.03.09) Health protection (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24) Hearing (ISO Code: 22.06) Hearing (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.06.27) Hearing aids (behind-the-ear) (ISO Code: 22.06.15) Hearing aids (in connection with implants) (ISO Code: 22.06.21) Hearing aids (in-the-canal) (ISO Code: 22.06.06) Hearing aids (in-the-ear) (ISO Code: 22.06.12) Hearing aids (spectacle) (ISO Code: 22.06.09) Hearing aids (tactile) (ISO Code: 22.06.18) Hearing amplifiers (ISO Code: 22.06.06) Hearing protection (ISO Code: 09.06.09) Heat treatment (ISO Code: 04.30.03) Heel protection (ISO Code: 09.06.21) Height adjustment of furniture (ISO Code: 18.15) Height adjustment of rollators and walking frames (ISO Code: 12.07.33) Hiking poles (ISO Code: 12.03.03) Hinged rails/arm supports (ISO Code: 18.18.11) Hip disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.18) Hip joints (ISO Code: 06.12.27) Hip orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.15) Hip units (ISO Code: 06.24.36) Hip-knee orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.16) Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.18) Hoist trolleys (ISO Code: 12.36.09) Hoisting (ISO Code: 28.09) Hoists (mobile, standing) (ISO Code: 12.36.04) Hoists (mobile, with sling seats) (ISO Code: 12.36.03) Hoists (mobile, with solid seats) (ISO Code: 12.36.06) Hoists (stationary, fixed to other product) (ISO Code: 12.36.15) Hoists (stationary, fixed) (ISO Code: 12.36.12) Hoists (stationary, free-standing) (ISO Code: 12.36.18) Hoists (vehicle adaptations for occupied wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.12.18) Hoists (vehicle adaptations for person) (ISO Code: 12.12.15) Hoists (vehicle adaptations for unoccupiedwheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.12.21) Hold assistive products for walking in place whennot in use (ISO Code: 12.07.27) Hold/carry objects (devices for wheelchairs,attached) (ISO Code: 12.24.42) Holders (attached to assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Holders (body-worn) (ISO Code: 24.18.09) Holders (book) (ISO Code: 22.13.06) Holders (clothes) (ISO Code: 09.09.09) Holders (toilet roll) (ISO Code: 09.12.30) Home adaptations (ISO Code: 18) Hooks (attached to assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) House-cleaning (ISO Code: 15.12) Housekeeping (ISO Code: 15) Human physical properties (measuring) (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Human physiological properties (measuring) (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Humeral rotation units (ISO Code: 06.18.40) Hunting (ISO Code: 30.24.03) Hybrid orthoses (ISO Code: 06.15) Hygiene rooms (transportable) (ISO Code: 09.12.43) Hygienic underpads (single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.42) Icon symbols (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.33) Illumination (controlling, workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.06) Image-enlarging system (ISO Code: 22.03.18) Incontinence (pads, insert type, for children,single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.12) Incontinence (products, resembling underwear,for children) (ISO Code: 09.30.14) Incontinence (products, with fastener, for children) (ISO Code: 09.30.13) Incontinence (washable, for children) (ISO Code: 09.30.15) Incontinence alarms (ISO Code: 09.31.09) Indicating (ISO Code: 22.29) Indicators (acoustic signals) (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Indicators (mechanical signals) (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Indicators (visual signals) (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Indoor/outdoor human-made environments(supporting activities) (ISO Code: 18) Induction loop devices (ISO Code: 22.06.25) Inductive reasoning (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.21) Industrial stools (ISO Code: 28.03.12) Industrial transport equipment (hand operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.04) Industrial transport equipment(powered pedestrian-operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.05) Industrial transport vehicles(powered rider-operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Informatics (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Information management (ISO Code: 22) Information storage/management (workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.21) Infrared (IR) lamps (ISO Code: 04.30.03) Infrared (IR) systems (audio information) (ISO Code: 22.06.25) Infusion pumps (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Infusion systems (unpowered) (ISO Code: 04.19.27) Inhalation equipment (ISO Code: 04.03.06) Inhaled-air preheaters (ISO Code: 04.03.03) Injection guns (ISO Code: 04.19.06) Injection needles (multi-use/permanent-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.18) Injection needles (single-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.15) Injection syringes (multi-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.12) Injection syringes (single-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.09) Inserts (pads, for adults) (ISO Code: 09.30.18) Instrument sets (dialysis) (ISO Code: 04.15.12) Instruments (measuring) (ISO Code: 27.06) Insulin alarms (ISO Code: 22.29.06) Insulin pumps (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Interactive devices (computers) (ISO Code: 22.33) Intercoms (ISO Code: 22.24.33) Interface components (abdominal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.04.09) Interface components (lower limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.12.30) Interface components (spinal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.03.30) Interface components (upper limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.06.42) Intermittent catheters (inserted through theurethra) (ISO Code: 09.24.06) Internet telephones (ISO Code: 22.24.07) In-the-ear hearing aids (ISO Code: 22.06.12) Intravenous feeding (accessories) (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Involuntary faeces leakage (ISO Code: 09.31.06) Involuntary urine and faeces leakage (ISO Code: 09.31) Involuntary urine leakage (ISO Code: 09.31.03) Ironing machines (ISO Code: 15.15.24) Ironing-boards (ISO Code: 15.15.27) Irons (ISO Code: 15.15.24) Jackets (indoor) (ISO Code: 09.03.18) Jaw exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.30) Job training (general) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Joints (ankle) (ISO Code: 06.12.21) Joints (elbow) (ISO Code: 06.06.36) Joints (hip) (ISO Code: 06.12.27) Joints (knee) (ISO Code: 06.12.24) Joints (shoulder) (ISO Code: 06.06.39) Joints (spinal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.03.27) Joints (wrist) (ISO Code: 06.06.33) Keyboards (ISO Code: 24.13.18) Keys (tube-squeezing) (ISO Code: 24.06.06) Kick-sledges (ISO Code: 12.27.10) Knee disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.12) Knee joints (ISO Code: 06.12.24) Knee orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.09) Knee protection (ISO Code: 09.06.18) Knee units (ISO Code: 06.24.33) Knee-ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.12) Knitting (patterns) (ISO Code: 15.15.15) Knitting machines (ISO Code: 15.15.09) Knitting needles (ISO Code: 15.15.12) Knobs (fixed) (ISO Code: 24.09.06) Knobs (rotating) (ISO Code: 24.09.09) Ladders (ISO Code: 18.30.21) Ladders (grip) (ISO Code: 12.31.12) Lamps (pointing) (ISO Code: 24.18.18) Landscaping machines/equipment (ISO Code: 28.15.12) Language test/evaluation materials (ISO Code: 04.25.03) Lap trays for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.25.24) Laptops (ISO Code: 22.33.06) Laryngectomy tubes (ISO Code: 09.15.04) Laundry baskets (ISO Code: 15.15.30) Lawn care (domestic use) (ISO Code: 15.18) Lay trays (attached to assistive products forwalking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Leg exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.15) Leg extenders (ISO Code: 18.15.03) Leg protection (ISO Code: 09.06.18) Leg rests and foot rests (ISO Code: 18.10.15) Leg supports (separate, adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.12.24) Leg supports and foot supports for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.25.15) Leisure (ISO Code: 30) Lens systems (magnification) (ISO Code: 22.03.09) Lenses (focus her/his vision) (ISO Code: 22.03.06) Letter/symbol sets and boards (ISO Code: 22.21.03) Lifting devices (for persons) (ISO Code: 12.36) Lifting mattresses (ISO Code: 12.31.24) Lifting platforms (fixed) (ISO Code: 18.30.05) Lifting platforms (free-standing) (ISO Code: 18.30.07) Lifting platforms (portable) (ISO Code: 18.30.08) Lifting seats (ISO Code: 12.31.24) Lifting systems (ISO Code: 24.24.09) Lifting/positioning systems (workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.09.09) Lifts (bed) (ISO Code: 18.12.12) Lifts (stairs, platform) (ISO Code: 18.30.11) Lifts (stairs, seat) (ISO Code: 18.30.10) Lifts (vertical, passenger) (ISO Code: 18.30.03) Light filters (ISO Code: 22.03.03) Light fixtures (ISO Code: 18.06) Light therapy (ISO Code: 04.09) Light therapy (eyeglasses) (ISO Code: 04.09.09) Lights (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.36) Lights (general) (ISO Code: 18.06.03) Lights (podium/blackboard) (ISO Code: 18.06.09) Lights (reading/working) (ISO Code: 18.06.06) Lights (wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.24.12) Liners (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.40) Liners (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.45) Lip-reading (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.24) Load attenuators (shock absorbers) (ISO Code: 06.24.31) Loading unoccupied wheelchairs into vehicles (ISO Code: 12.12.21) Locks (ISO Code: 18.21.15) Long-term indwelling catheters (ISO Code: 09.24.03) Loop conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Lorries (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Loudspeakers (ISO Code: 22.18.36) Lower leg (tibial/fibula) orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.13) Lower limb amputees (ISO Code: 06.24.48) Lower limb orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12) Lower limb orthoses (finishing/cosmeticcomponents) (ISO Code: 06.12.36) Lower limb orthoses (interface components) (ISO Code: 06.12.30) Lower limb orthoses (structural components) (ISO Code: 06.12.33) Lower limb prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24) Lower limb prostheses (alignment components) (ISO Code: 06.24.45) Lower limb prostheses (finishing/cosmeticcomponents) (ISO Code: 06.24.47) Lower limb prostheses (socket) (ISO Code: 06.24.41) Lower limb prostheses (structural components) (ISO Code: 06.24.46) Lower limb prostheses (suspensory components) (ISO Code: 06.24.42) Lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.06) Lumbo-sacral-hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.19) Machines (powered tools/attachments) (ISO Code: 28.15) Machines for production/processing ofcommercial goods (ISO Code: 28.15.09) Magnetic strips (ISO Code: 24.27.18) Magnets (ISO Code: 24.27.18) Magnifier glasses/lenses (ISO Code: 22.03.09) Make-up application (ISO Code: 09.45.06) Making textiles (ISO Code: 15.15) Mammary prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.18) Mandibular advancement devices (ISO Code: 06.03.39) Manicure (ISO Code: 09.36) Manipulator (robotic) (ISO Code: 24.18.30) Manipulators (ISO Code: 28.09.06) Manual Braille writing equipment (ISO Code: 22.13.27) Manual devices for drawing / hand writing (ISO Code: 22.13.24) Manually operated tools (ISO Code: 28.15.03) Maps (tactile) (ISO Code: 22.45.12) Marking materials (ISO Code: 22.29.15) Marking tools (ISO Code: 22.29.15) Mass transit vehicles (ISO Code: 12.11) Massage devices (sexual activities) (ISO Code: 09.54.09) Mattress coverings (ISO Code: 18.12.18) Mattress coverings (tissue integrity) (ISO Code: 04.33.06) Mattresses (ISO Code: 18.12.18) Measuring (angles) (ISO Code: 27.06.06) Measuring (body function) (ISO Code: 04) Measuring (climatic conditions) (ISO Code: 27.06.21) Measuring (colours) (ISO Code: 27.06.24) Measuring (density of fluids) (ISO Code: 27.06.30) Measuring (elements of physical environments) (ISO Code: 27) Measuring (food and drink) (ISO Code: 15.03.03) Measuring (instruments) (ISO Code: 27.06) Measuring (length) (ISO Code: 27.06.03) Measuring (mass, not of a person) (ISO Code: 27.06.12) Measuring (physical/physiological properties) (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Measuring (pressure) (ISO Code: 27.06.18) Measuring (sound levels) (ISO Code: 27.06.27) Measuring (volume) (ISO Code: 27.06.09) Measuring instruments/equipment (workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.18.03) Medical treatment (ISO Code: 04) Medicine cabinets (ISO Code: 18.36.12) Memory support products (ISO Code: 22.28.12) Memory training (ISO Code: 04.26.03) Menses (management) (ISO Code: 09.32) Metalworking (ISO Code: 30.18.12) Microphones (ISO Code: 22.18.33) Mirrors (ISO Code: 09.45.09) Mirrors (rear view for wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.45) Mittens (ISO Code: 09.03.12) Mobile hoists (standing) (ISO Code: 12.36.04) Mobile hoists (with sling seats) (ISO Code: 12.36.03) Mobile hoists (with solid seats) (ISO Code: 12.36.06) Mobile phones (ISO Code: 22.24.07) Mobility (personal) (ISO Code: 12) Mobility boards (ISO Code: 12.27.15) Money (understanding) (ISO Code: 22.15.18) Monitoring (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.18) Monitoring systems (ISO Code: 22.29.12) Mopeds (three-wheeled) (ISO Code: 12.16.06) Mopeds (two-wheeled) (ISO Code: 12.16.03) Morse communication (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.36) Mother tongue training (ISO Code: 22.31) Motorcycles (ISO Code: 12.16) Motorcycles (three-wheeled) (ISO Code: 12.16.06) Motorcycles (two-wheeled) (ISO Code: 12.16.03) Motorized vehicles (standing) (ISO Code: 12.17.06) Moustaches (ISO Code: 06.30.12) Movement (training) (ISO Code: 04.48) Movement up/down stairs (devices forwheelchairs, attached, facilitating) (ISO Code: 12.24.39) Moving devices/objects (ISO Code: 24) Mugs (ISO Code: 15.09.16) Multimedia presentation (software) (ISO Code: 22.13.39) Multi-tip walking sticks (ISO Code: 12.03.16) Muscle stimulators not used as orthoses (ISO Code: 04.27.09) Muscle trainers (respiration) (ISO Code: 04.03.27) Music (ISO Code: 30.12) Nail brushes (ISO Code: 09.36.03) Nail clippers (ISO Code: 09.36.09) Nail files (ISO Code: 09.36.06) Nail scissors (ISO Code: 09.36.09) Nappy-changing tables (ISO Code: 09.33.12) Nasal prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.27) Navigation (acoustic) (ISO Code: 22.45.06) Navigation (understanding, assistive products tosupport) (ISO Code: 22.28) Neck supports (for sitting furniture) (ISO Code: 18.10.13) Neck supports (for wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.25.12) Needles (injection, multi-use/permanent-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.18) Needles (injection, single-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.15) Networking devices (ISO Code: 22.33.18) Networks (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.33.18) Nightwear (ISO Code: 09.03.30) Noise reduction (ISO Code: 27.03.09) Noise reduction (workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.24.15) Non-slip bath mats (ISO Code: 09.33.06) Non-slip materials (floors/stairs) (ISO Code: 18.33.03) Non-slip pads (ISO Code: 24.27.06) Nose prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.27) Notebooks (computers) (ISO Code: 22.33.06) Note-taking devices (Braille, portable) (ISO Code: 22.13.36) Occupational subjects (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) OCR equipment / OCR software (ISO Code: 22.13.18) Ocular prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.21) Odour absorbents (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Office administration (workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.21) Office chairs (ISO Code: 28.03.09) Office machines/office equipment (ISO Code: 28.21.09) Office/business functions (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Openers/closers (curtains) (ISO Code: 18.21.09) Openers/closers (doors) (ISO Code: 18.21.03) Openers/closers (gate) (ISO Code: 18.21) Openers/closers (sunblinds) (ISO Code: 18.21.12) Openers/closers (windows) (ISO Code: 18.21.06) Operating and controlling devices (ISO Code: 24.09) Order-picking stackers (ISO Code: 28.06.09) Organizing paper documents (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.21.03) Orientation (ISO Code: 22.45) Orientation (electronic) (ISO Code: 22.45.03) Orientation (understanding, assistive products tosupport) (ISO Code: 22.28) Orientation materials (tactile) (ISO Code: 22.45.12) Orientation materials (visual) (ISO Code: 22.45.15) Orthopaedic shoes (ISO Code: 06.12.03) Orthoses (ISO Code: 06) Ostomy care (ISO Code: 09.18) Ostomy care (accessories) (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Outerwear (ISO Code: 09.03.05) Output devices (ISO Code: 22.39) Output software (ISO Code: 22.39.12) Oxygen unit holders (attached to assistiveproducts for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Oxygen units (ISO Code: 04.03.18) Padding (for toilet seats) (ISO Code: 09.12.45) Paddle sports (ISO Code: 30.09.27) Pads (for children, insert type, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.12) Pads (for children, resembling underwear, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.14) Pads (for children, with fastener, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.13) Pads (insert type, for adults, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.18) Pads (non-slip) (ISO Code: 24.27.06) Pads (resembling underwear, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.24) Pads (with belt as fastener, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.25) Pads (with fastener system, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.21) Pads (without waterproof, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.30) Pads to contain faeces (single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.30) Pads to contain urine (with adhesive strip, single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.26) Page turners (ISO Code: 22.13.03) Pain-relief stimulators (ISO Code: 04.29) Painting software (ISO Code: 22.13.42) Palate prostheses (ISO Code: 06.30.33) Pallet trucks (ISO Code: 28.06.06) Pallet trucks (high-lift) (ISO Code: 28.06.06) Pantyhose (putting on/removing) (ISO Code: 09.09.03) Paper documents (organizing/sorting/filing,workplace) (ISO Code: 28.21.03) Parallel bars (exercising gait pattern) (ISO Code: 04.48.07) Parenteral feeding (accessories) (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Parking brake (vehicle adaptations) (ISO Code: 12.12.05) Partial foot prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.03) Partial hand prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.03) Participation in domestic life (assistive products) (ISO Code: 15) Participation in self-care (ISO Code: 09) Partition walls (ISO Code: 28.03.21) Path markings (ISO Code: 28.24.18) Patterns for sewing/knitting (ISO Code: 15.15.15) Pedal cars (ISO Code: 12.27.19) Pedestals (ISO Code: 18.15.09) Pedicure (ISO Code: 09.36) Peeling (ISO Code: 15.03.09) Pelvic floor (training) (ISO Code: 04.48.33) Pelvic orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.03) Pelvic supports (ISO Code: 12.25.18) Pen holders, pencil holders, brush-holders (ISO Code: 22.13.24) Penile sheaths (ISO Code: 09.24.09) Perceptual coordination (training) (ISO Code: 04.28.15) Perceptual discrimination (training) (ISO Code: 04.28.12) Perceptual training (ISO Code: 04.28) Percussors (ISO Code: 04.27.12) Personal care (ISO Code: 09) Personal digital assistants (PDA) (ISO Code: 22.33.06) Personal emergency alarm systems (ISO Code: 22.29.06) Personal medical treatment (ISO Code: 04) Personal mobility (ISO Code: 12) Pessaries (ISO Code: 09.31.03) Pet care (ISO Code: 30.34) Photos (ISO Code: 30.15) Physical environments(controlling/adapting/measuring) (ISO Code: 27) Physical properties (human, measuring) (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Physical test equipment (ISO Code: 04.24) Physical test materials (ISO Code: 04.24.18) Physiological properties (human, measuring) (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Physiological test equipment (ISO Code: 04.24) Pictorial design (ISO Code: 30.18.15) Pillows (positioning) (ISO Code: 09.07.06) Pincer action (terminal devices) (ISO Code: 06.18.25) Pincushions (ISO Code: 15.15.06) Pivot drive wheels units (ISO Code: 12.24.48) Plate buffers (ISO Code: 15.09.21) Plates (ISO Code: 15.09.18) Plates for two-piece effluent systems for ostomycare (ISO Code: 09.18.11) Play (ISO Code: 30.03) Playground equipment (ISO Code: 30.03.06) Playing carts (ISO Code: 12.27.19) Plinths (ISO Code: 18.15.09) Plinths (height-adjustable) (ISO Code: 18.15.06) Plumbing fittings (ISO Code: 18.24.03) Pocket supports (ostomy bags) (ISO Code: 09.18.51) Podium lights (ISO Code: 18.06.09) Pointing lamps (ISO Code: 24.18.18) Ponchos (ISO Code: 09.03.05) Portable computers (ISO Code: 22.33.06) Portable note-taking devices for Braille (ISO Code: 22.13.36) Portable ramps (ISO Code: 18.30.15) Position systems (fixed) (ISO Code: 24.24.03) Positioning cushions (ISO Code: 09.07.06) Positioning objects (ISO Code: 24.24) Positioning pillows (ISO Code: 09.07.06) Positioning systems (ISO Code: 22.29.12) Positioning the body during therapy (ISO Code: 04.48.27) Post-operative bags and accessories (ISO Code: 09.18.48) Pottery (ISO Code: 30.18.06) Pouches (attached to assistive products forwalking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Pouches for male to contain urine (single-use) (ISO Code: 09.30.27) Pouches for male to contain urine (with preformedshape, single use) (ISO Code: 09.30.28) Powered hand tools (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.15.06) Powered pedestrian-operated industrial transportequipment (ISO Code: 28.06.05) Powered rider-operated industrial transportvehicles (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Powered tools (ISO Code: 28.15) Powered wheelchairs (stair-climbing) (ISO Code: 12.23.15) Prams (ISO Code: 12.27.07) Prefabricated sockets (ISO Code: 06.24.41) Preheaters (inhaled air) (ISO Code: 04.03.03) Preparing food/drink (ISO Code: 15.03) Press belts (ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.19) Press plates (ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.19) Pressure bandages (ostomy care) (ISO Code: 09.18.19) Prevent burns/accidental fires (kitchen or othercooking areas) (ISO Code: 18.33.10) Printers (ISO Code: 22.39.06) Problem solving (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.18) Processing mail (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.21.06) Programming/informatics (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Propulsion units (ISO Code: 12.24.09) Prostheses (ISO Code: 06) Prostheses (other than limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.30) Prosthetic feet (ankle-foot devices) (ISO Code: 06.24.27) Prosthetic hands (specialized appliances/tools) (ISO Code: 06.18.26) Prosthetic hands/digits (ISO Code: 06.18.24) Prosthetic turntables (ISO Code: 06.24.32) Protection (ISO Code: 09) Protective equipment (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.03) Protective eyeglasses (light therapy) (ISO Code: 04.09.09) Protective sheaths for bathing (ISO Code: 09.06.30) Protective underwear (ISO Code: 09.30.24) Psychological test materials (ISO Code: 04.25.06) Pull-ons (ISO Code: 09.30.24) Pumps (infusion/feeding) (ISO Code: 04.19.24) Push bars (ISO Code: 12.07.30) Push-buttons (ISO Code: 24.09.03) Pusher edges (ISO Code: 15.09.21) Quadricycles (foot-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.06) Quadricycles (for two or more persons) (ISO Code: 12.18.15) Quadricycles (hand-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.09) Quality assurance devices (ISO Code: 28.18.06) Racquet sports (ISO Code: 30.09.27) Radio frequency transmission systems (ISO Code: 22.06.25) Radio receivers (ISO Code: 22.18.09) Radios (two-way) (ISO Code: 22.18.12) Rail cars (mass transit vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.11) Rails (for self-lifting, not mounted) (ISO Code: 12.31.09) Rails (self-lifting, fixed to bed) (ISO Code: 18.12.28) Raised toilet seats (detachable) (ISO Code: 09.12.15) Raised toilet seats (fixed attachments) (ISO Code: 09.12.18) Raised toilet seats (separate) (ISO Code: 09.12.12) Ramps (fixed) (ISO Code: 18.30.18) Ramps (portable) (ISO Code: 18.30.15) Razors (ISO Code: 09.45.03) Reaching objects (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.12) Reading (ISO Code: 22.13) Reading lights (ISO Code: 18.06.06) Reading mask (ISO Code: 22.13.12) Reading skills (developing, training) (ISO Code: 22.13.45) Reading tables (desks and stands) (ISO Code: 22.13.06) Rear view mirrors (for wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.45) Recording systems (closed-circuit) (ISO Code: 22.18.18) Recreation (ISO Code: 30) Recuperation during work processes (ISO Code: 28.24.24) Reducing vibration (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.09) Refrigerators (ISO Code: 15.03.24) Refuse/waste disposal (ISO Code: 15.12.27) Removable grab rails (ISO Code: 18.18.10) Removable handgrips (ISO Code: 18.18.10) Replace arm/hand/finger function (ISO Code: 24.18) Replacing (body function) (ISO Code: 04) Repositioning objects (ISO Code: 28.09) Rescue equipment (ISO Code: 18.33.12) Respiration (ISO Code: 04.03) Respiration muscle trainers (ISO Code: 04.03.27) Respirators (ISO Code: 04.03.12) Robotic manipulator (ISO Code: 24.18.30) Robots (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.15.21) Rollators (ISO Code: 12.06.06) Rollators (powered) (ISO Code: 12.06.15) Roller conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Running bikes (ISO Code: 12.27.22) Running/parking brakes for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.24.18) Sacro-iliac orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.03) Safety (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24) Safety barriers (windows/staircases/lifts) (ISO Code: 18.33.06) Safety devices (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.24.18) Safety equipment (homes) (ISO Code: 18.33) Safety mats (injuries) (ISO Code: 18.33.04) Safety signalling devices (assistive products forwalking) (ISO Code: 12.07.36) Safety signalling devices (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.12) Safety valves (gas supplies) (ISO Code: 18.33.09) Scales (personal) (ISO Code: 04.24.27) Scales (personal, for seated person) (ISO Code: 04.24.28) Scapulothoracic disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.21) Scar formation prevention (ISO Code: 04.06.06) Scissors (ISO Code: 15.15.21) Scissors (nails) (ISO Code: 09.36.09) Scooters (ISO Code: 12.23.03) Scooters (unpowered, propelled by pushing withone foot) (ISO Code: 12.27.24) Screw-clamps (ISO Code: 28.12.06) Sealing materials (skin protection) (ISO Code: 09.21.15) Sealing stoma (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.18.31) Seat belts (vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.12.09) Seat cushions (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 12.25.06) Seat cushions (underlays)(tissue integrity) (ISO Code: 04.33.03) Seat cushions and underlays (ISO Code: 12.25.06) Seatbelts (body stabilization) (ISO Code: 09.07.03) Seating systems (modular) (ISO Code: 18.09.39) Seats (assist standing/sitting) (ISO Code: 18.09.03) Seats (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.21) Seats (bath/shower) (ISO Code: 09.33.05) Seats (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 12.25.06) Seeing (ISO Code: 22.03) Select items on computer display (assistive products) (ISO Code: 24.13.21) Selective Ultraviolet Phototherapy (SUP) (ISO Code: 04.09.06) Self-balancing wheelchair (ISO Code: 12.23.18) Self-care activities (ISO Code: 09) Self-catheterization (ISO Code: 09.24.18) Sense stimulation (ISO Code: 04.28) Sensory integration (training) (ISO Code: 04.28.18) Sequencing (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.06) Serving (food/drink) (ISO Code: 15.09.03) Sewing (hand) (ISO Code: 15.15.19) Sewing (patterns) (ISO Code: 15.15.15) Sewing hoops (ISO Code: 15.15.06) Sewing machines (ISO Code: 15.15.03) Sewing needles (ISO Code: 15.15.12) Sexual (re)habilitation (ISO Code: 09.54.12) Sexual activities (ISO Code: 09.54) Sexual awareness (ISO Code: 09.54.12) Shampooing (ISO Code: 09.39.03) Shavers (electric) (ISO Code: 09.45.03) Shaving-brushes (ISO Code: 09.45.03) Sheaths for bathing (protective) (ISO Code: 09.06.30) Shelves (ISO Code: 18.36.03) Shelves (fittings) (ISO Code: 18.36.15) Shirts (ISO Code: 09.03.15) Shock absorbers (ISO Code: 06.24.31) Shoe-cleaning devices (ISO Code: 15.15.48) Shoehorns (ISO Code: 09.09.06) Shoes (ISO Code: 09.03.42) Shooting (ISO Code: 30.09.30) Shoulder disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.18) Shoulder joints (ISO Code: 06.06.39) Shoulder orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.21) Shoulder units (ISO Code: 06.18.36) Shoulder-elbow orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.24) Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.30) Shower chairs (with/without wheels) (ISO Code: 09.33.07) Shower curtains (ISO Code: 09.33.09) Shower doors (ISO Code: 09.33.09) Shower mats (non-slip) (ISO Code: 09.33.06) Shower mats/tapes (ISO Code: 09.33.06) Shower tables (ISO Code: 09.33.12) Shower units (ISO Code: 09.33.09) Showering (ISO Code: 09.33) Showers (ISO Code: 09.33.09) Side rails (fixed to beds) (ISO Code: 18.12.26) Sign language (training) (ISO Code: 22.21.21) Signalling devices (ISO Code: 22.29.03) Signature guides (ISO Code: 22.13.09) Sinks (ISO Code: 15.06.03) Sitting furniture (ISO Code: 18.09) Sitting furniture (accessories) (ISO Code: 18.10) Sitting furniture (special) (ISO Code: 18.09.21) Skin care (ISO Code: 09.45) Skin cleaning (ISO Code: 09.21) Skin detergents (ISO Code: 09.21.06) Skin integrity (special equipment) (ISO Code: 04.33.09) Skin integrity products (ISO Code: 04.33) Skin protection (ISO Code: 09.21) Skin-covering agents (cosmetics) (ISO Code: 06.30.39) Skin-protective agents (ISO Code: 09.21.18) Skirts (ISO Code: 09.03.21) Skull orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.21) Sledges (ISO Code: 12.27.10) Sliding boards (ISO Code: 12.31.03) Sliding mats (ISO Code: 12.31.03) Sliding seats (vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Smartphones (ISO Code: 22.24.04) Smoke detectors (ISO Code: 22.29.09) Smoking (ISO Code: 30.30) Snorkels (ISO Code: 30.09.33) Snow scooters (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Snowmobiles (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Soap-dishes (ISO Code: 09.33.33) Soap-dispensers (ISO Code: 09.33.33) Soap-holders (ISO Code: 09.33.33) Social skills (training) (ISO Code: 04.26) Sockets (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.41) Sockets (prefabricated) (ISO Code: 06.24.41) Sockets (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.42) Socks (ISO Code: 09.03.27) Socks (putting on/removing) (ISO Code: 09.09.03) Software (drawing) (ISO Code: 22.13.42) Software (face-to-face communication) (ISO Code: 22.21.12) Software (multimedia presentation) (ISO Code: 22.13.39) Software (personal environmental control) (ISO Code: 24.13.24) Software (real-time text communication) (ISO Code: 22.21.12) Software (word processing) (ISO Code: 22.13.39) Software for preventing and reducingphysical/mental stress (special) (ISO Code: 28.24.21) Solvents (adhesive) (ISO Code: 09.21.03) Sorting paper documents (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.21.03) Sound playing devices (ISO Code: 22.18.03) Sound recording devices (ISO Code: 22.18.03) Sound stimulators (ISO Code: 04.28.06) Special writing paper/plastic (ISO Code: 22.13.33) Spectacle frames (ISO Code: 22.03.06) Spectacle hearing aids (ISO Code: 22.06.09) Spectacles (ISO Code: 22.03.06) Speech flow devices (ISO Code: 22.09.09) Speech training (ISO Code: 22.09.12) Speed control (vehicle adaptations) (ISO Code: 12.12.05) Sphygmomanometers (ISO Code: 04.24.09) Spinal orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03) Spinal orthoses (articulating components) (ISO Code: 06.03.27) Spinal orthoses (finishing components) (ISO Code: 06.03.36) Spinal orthoses (interface components) (ISO Code: 06.03.30) Spinal orthoses (structural components) (ISO Code: 06.03.33) Spinal traction (ISO Code: 04.45) Splash guards (toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.10) Split hooks (ISO Code: 06.18.25) Sponges (ISO Code: 15.12.06) Sponges with grip (ISO Code: 09.33.30) Sports (ISO Code: 30.09) Sports (other) (ISO Code: 30.09.39) Spring-clips (ISO Code: 24.27.12) Stabilization of the body (ISO Code: 09.07) Stackers (order-picking) (ISO Code: 28.06.09) Stair climbing devices (ISO Code: 12.17.03) Stair-climbing manual wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.22.24) Stair-climbing powered wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.23.15) Stair-climbing supports (without seat or Platform) (ISO Code: 18.30.24) Stairlifts (platform) (ISO Code: 18.30.11) Stairlifts (seat) (ISO Code: 18.30.10) Stairs (ISO Code: 18.24.18) Stamps (ISO Code: 22.13.09) Standing aids (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.03.12) Standing chairs (ISO Code: 18.09.07) Standing chairs (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.03.12) Standing frames and supports for standing (ISO Code: 04.48.39) Standing motorized vehicles (ISO Code: 12.17.06) Stand-on mobility devices (manually powered) (ISO Code: 12.27.24) Stands (arm/finger function) (ISO Code: 24.18.12) Stands (reading) (ISO Code: 18.03.06) Stationary hoists (fixed to another product) (ISO Code: 12.36.15) Stationary hoists (fixed) (ISO Code: 12.36.12) Stationary hoists (free-standing) (ISO Code: 12.36.18) Stationary telephones (ISO Code: 22.24.07) Steering system (vehicle adaptations) (ISO Code: 12.12.07) Stepladders (ISO Code: 18.30.21) Sterilizing equipment (ISO Code: 04.22) Stethoscopes (ISO Code: 04.24.21) Sticks (tactile) (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Sticks (walking) (ISO Code: 12.03.03) Sticks, operating (ISO Code: 24.18.15) Stimulators (ISO Code: 04.27) Stimulators (pain relief) (ISO Code: 04.29) Stimulators used in connection with implants (ISO Code: 04.27.24) Stockings (ISO Code: 09.03.27) Stockings (anti-oedema) (ISO Code: 04.06.06) Stoma drainage catheters (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Stoma shields (ISO Code: 09.18.31) Stools (industrial) (ISO Code: 28.03.12) Stools (shower) (ISO Code: 09.33.07) Stools (sitting furniture) (ISO Code: 18.09.04) Stoppers (ISO Code: 15.09.09) Stoppers (faeces) (ISO Code: 09.31.06) Stoppers (urine) (ISO Code: 09.31.03) Storage furniture (ISO Code: 18.36) Storage/supply systems (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Storing objects (containers) (ISO Code: 18.36) Storing tools (furniture) (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Straws (ISO Code: 15.09.13) Strength (training) (ISO Code: 04.48) Stretchers (bathing) (ISO Code: 09.33.12) Stretchers (wheeled) (ISO Code: 12.27.20) Structural components (lower limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.12.33) Structural components (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.46) Structural components (spinal orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.03.33) Structural components (upper limb orthoses) (ISO Code: 06.06.45) Structural components (upper limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.18.54) Structuring a day/an activity (support, assistiveproducts) (ISO Code: 22.28.09) Stump socks (ISO Code: 09.06.18) Subway cars (with low floors) (ISO Code: 12.11.06) Sunblind openers/closers (ISO Code: 18.21.12) Support devices (ISO Code: 18.18) Support frames (lateral) (ISO Code: 12.03.21) Support rails (ISO Code: 18.18.03) Supporting (body function) (ISO Code: 04) Supporting handrails and grab bars (ISO Code: 18.18) Supports (standing) (ISO Code: 04.48.39) Supports, arm (ISO Code: 24.18.27) Supports, head/neck (for sitting furniture) (ISO Code: 18.10.13) Supports, head/neck (for wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.25.12) Suppositories (ISO Code: 04.19.04) Suspenders (urine collectors) (ISO Code: 09.27.13) Suspensory components (ISO Code: 06.18.48) Suspensory components (lower limb prostheses) (ISO Code: 06.24.42) Sweepers, carpet (dry use) (ISO Code: 15.12.12) Swimming (ISO Code: 30.09.33) Switches (electrical devices) (ISO Code: 24.13.15) Switches (electrical devices) (ISO Code: 24.13.09) Swivelling seats (vehicle) (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Symbol boards (ISO Code: 22.21.03) Symbol canes (ISO Code: 12.08.06) Symbol sets (ISO Code: 22.21.03) Syringes (flushing) (ISO Code: 09.18.28) Syringes (injection, multi-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.12) Syringes (injection, single-use) (ISO Code: 04.19.09) Tables (ISO Code: 18.03) Tables (attached to assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Tables (bed) (ISO Code: 18.03.15) Tables (dining) (ISO Code: 18.03.12) Tables (drafting) (ISO Code: 18.03.09) Tables (lap, wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.25.24) Tables (lifting) (ISO Code: 28.09.12) Tables (workplace furniture) (ISO Code: 28.03.03) Tackles (ISO Code: 28.09.03) Tactile hearing aids (ISO Code: 22.06.18) Tactile maps (ISO Code: 22.45.12) Tactile materials (floor) (ISO Code: 18.33.15) Tactile orientation materials (ISO Code: 22.45.12) Tactile sticks (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Tactile symbols (training, excluding Braille) (ISO Code: 22.21.30) Tandems (ISO Code: 12.18.15) Taps (ISO Code: 18.24.03) Target sports (assistive products) (ISO Code: 30.09.12) Team ball sports (ISO Code: 30.09.03) Telecommunication (training) (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Telecommunication/telematics software (ISO Code: 22.24.24) Telefax machines (ISO Code: 22.24.05) Telephone booths (ISO Code: 22.24.12) Telephone conference system (ISO Code: 22.24.04) Telephones (standard networks) (ISO Code: 22.24.04) Telephones (text) (ISO Code: 22.24.05) Telephoning (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.24.21) Telescopes (ISO Code: 22.03.12) Television sets (ISO Code: 22.18.15) Telex machines (ISO Code: 22.24.05) Temporary prostheses (lower limb amputees) (ISO Code: 06.24.48) Terminals (ISO Code: 22.33) Testing (workplace) (ISO Code: 28.18) Text and multimedia processing software (ISO Code: 22.13.39) Text telephones (ISO Code: 22.24.05) Text television text decoders (ISO Code: 22.18.21) Textiles (making/maintaining) (ISO Code: 15.15) Text-to-speech devices and software (ISO Code: 22.13.15) Thermometers (bath) (ISO Code: 09.33.45) Thermometers (body) (ISO Code: 04.24.24) Thigh (femoral) orthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.17) Thoracic orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.07) Thoraco-lumbar orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.08) Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthoses (ISO Code: 06.03.09) Thoraco-lumbo-sacral-hip-knee-ankle-footorthoses (ISO Code: 06.12.19) Thresholds (ISO Code: 18.24.12) Ties (special features to fasten) (ISO Code: 09.03.51) Tilting systems (ISO Code: 24.24.09) Tilting tables (ISO Code: 04.48.42) Time (understanding, training) (ISO Code: 04.26.30) Timepieces (ISO Code: 22.28.03) Timer switches (ISO Code: 24.13.12) Timers (ISO Code: 22.28.03) Timetables (ISO Code: 22.28.06) Tips (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.05) Tissue integrity (special equipment) (ISO Code: 04.33.09) Tissue integrity products (ISO Code: 04.33) Toe protection (ISO Code: 09.06.21) Toilet arm supports (free-standing) (ISO Code: 09.12.25) Toilet back supports (mounted on toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.24) Toilet paper tongs (ISO Code: 09.12.27) Toilet roll holders (ISO Code: 09.12.30) Toilet seats (ISO Code: 09.12.09) Toilet seats (built-in raising mechanism) (ISO Code: 09.12.21) Toilet seats (raised, detachable) (ISO Code: 09.12.15) Toilet seats (raised, fixed attachments) (ISO Code: 09.12.18) Toilet seats (raised, separate) (ISO Code: 09.12.12) Toilet splash guards (ISO Code: 09.12.10) Toilet wheelchairs (ISO Code: 09.12.03) Toileting (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.12) Toilets (ISO Code: 09.12.06) Tongs (electric, gripping) (ISO Code: 24.21.06) Tongs (manual, gripping) (ISO Code: 24.21.03) Tongs (toilet paper) (ISO Code: 09.12.27) Tools (manually operated) (ISO Code: 28.15.03) Tools (materials / equipment for creative pictorialdesign ) (ISO Code: 30.18.15) Tools (metalworking) (ISO Code: 30.18.12) Tools (pottery) (ISO Code: 30.18.06) Tools (powered) (ISO Code: 28.15) Tools (storing furniture) (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Tools (woodworking) (ISO Code: 30.18.09) Toothbrushes (powered) (ISO Code: 09.42.06) Toothbrushes (unpowered) (ISO Code: 09.42.03) Torque reducers (ISO Code: 06.24.30) Toupees (ISO Code: 06.30.06) Toys (ISO Code: 30.03.03) Tracheostoma (accessories) (ISO Code: 09.15.12) Tracheostoma cannulas (ISO Code: 09.15.03) Tracheostoma protectors (ISO Code: 09.15.06) Tracheostomy care (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.15) Track and field (equipment) (ISO Code: 30.09.39) Trailers (car) (ISO Code: 12.12.30) Trailers(for cycles) (ISO Code: 12.18.24) Training (body function) (ISO Code: 04) Trains (with low floors) (ISO Code: 12.11.06) Trams (mass transit vehicles) (ISO Code: 12.11) Trams (with low floors) (ISO Code: 12.11.06) Transaction terminals (ISO Code: 22.33.09) Transfemoral (above-knee) prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.15) Transfer (assistive products) (ISO Code: 12.31) Transfer platforms (ISO Code: 12.31.21) Transhumeral (above-elbow) prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.15) Transmission systems (radio frequency) (ISO Code: 22.06.25) Transpelvic (hind-quarter) prostheses (ISO Code: 06.24.21) Transport (assistive products, bicycles) (ISO Code: 12.18.24) Transport (assistive products, wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.42) Transport (of objects workplaces) (ISO Code: 28.06) Transport equipment (industrial, hand operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.04) Transport equipment (industrial, poweredpedestrian-operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.05) Transport vehicles (industrial, poweredrider-operated) (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Transportable hygiene rooms (ISO Code: 09.12.43) Transportation (ISO Code: 12) Transportation chairs (ISO Code: 12.27.04) Transportation vehicles (industrial) (ISO Code: 28.06) Transporting (ISO Code: 24.36) Transradial prostheses (below-elbow) (ISO Code: 06.18.09) Transtibial prostheses (below-knee) (ISO Code: 06.24.09) Trays (lap, wheelchair) (ISO Code: 12.25.24) Tricycles (foot-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.06) Tricycles (for two or more persons) (ISO Code: 12.18.15) Tricycles (hand-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.18.09) Trolleys (ISO Code: 24.36.12) Trolleys (baggage) (ISO Code: 24.36.09) Trolleys (shopping) (ISO Code: 24.36.09) Trousers (ISO Code: 09.03.18) Trucks (ISO Code: 12.10) Trucks (forklift) (ISO Code: 28.06.09) Trucks (height-adjustable chassis) (ISO Code: 12.10.03) Trucks (industrial transport) (ISO Code: 28.06.07) Trucks (pallet) (ISO Code: 28.06.06) Trucks (with raised roof) (ISO Code: 12.10.09) Trunk exercise devices (ISO Code: 04.48.15) Trunk protection (ISO Code: 09.06.24) Trunk supports and pelvic supports for wheelchairs (ISO Code: 12.25.18) Tube-squeezing devices (ISO Code: 24.06.06) Turning (assistive products) (ISO Code: 12.31) Turning cushions (ISO Code: 12.31.03) Turning sheets (ISO Code: 12.31.03) Turntables (ISO Code: 12.31.06) Turntables (prosthetic) (ISO Code: 06.24.32) Typewriters (ISO Code: 22.13.30) Typoscopes (ISO Code: 22.13.12) Tyres (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.39) Tyres (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.21) Tyres (wheelchairs, cleaning) (ISO Code: 12.24.28) Ultraviolet A (UVA) lamps (ISO Code: 04.09.03) Ultraviolet B (UVB) lamps (ISO Code: 04.09.06) Umbrella holders (attached to walking aids) (ISO Code: 12.07.24) Umbrellas (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.34) Underlays (sitting furniture, accessories) (ISO Code: 12.25.06) Underlays (tissue integrity) (ISO Code: 04.33.03) Underpads for non-body-worn use to protect chairor bedding (single use) (ISO Code: 09.30.42) Underpads for non-body-worn use to protect chairor bedding (washable) (ISO Code: 09.30.45) Understanding of cause/effect (training) (ISO Code: 04.26.24) Underwear (ISO Code: 09.03.24) Underwear (protective, disposable) (ISO Code: 09.30.24) Undressing (assistive products) (ISO Code: 09.09) Undressing hooks/sticks (ISO Code: 09.09.12) Unpowered infusion systems (ISO Code: 04.19.27) Unpowered scooters (ISO Code: 12.27.23) Upper arm (humeral) orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.25) Upper limb orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06) Upper limb orthoses (finishing/cosmeticcomponents) (ISO Code: 06.06.48) Upper limb orthoses (interface components) (ISO Code: 06.06.42) Upper limb orthoses (structural components) (ISO Code: 06.06.45) Upper limb prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18) Upper limb prostheses (alignment components) (ISO Code: 06.18.51) Upper limb prostheses (finishing/cosmeticcomponents) (ISO Code: 06.18.57) Upper limb prostheses (structural components) (ISO Code: 06.18.54) Uridoms (ISO Code: 09.24.09) Urinals (body-worn, men) (ISO Code: 09.24.21) Urinals (body-worn, women) (ISO Code: 09.24.15) Urinals (non-body-worn) (ISO Code: 09.27.09) Urinals (wall-mounted) (ISO Code: 09.12.39) Urine (absorbing products to contain) (ISO Code: 09.30) Urine analysis equipment (ISO Code: 04.24.03) Urine bottles (non-body-worn) (ISO Code: 09.27.09) Urine chutes (ISO Code: 09.24.12) Urine collection bags (closed-ended) (ISO Code: 09.27.04) Urine collection bags (open-ended) (ISO Code: 09.27.05) Urine collection systems (ISO Code: 09.27.18) Urine collectors (ISO Code: 09.27) Urine diverters (ISO Code: 09.24) Urine stoppers (ISO Code: 09.31.03) Uvula supports (ISO Code: 04.03.33) Vacuum cleaners (ISO Code: 15.12.09) Valves (safety) (ISO Code: 18.33.09) Vans (ISO Code: 12.10) Vans (height-adjustable chassis) (ISO Code: 12.10.03) Vans (with raised roof) (ISO Code: 12.10.09) Vehicle accessories and adaptations (ISO Code: 12.12) Vehicle adaptations (ISO Code: 12.12) Vehicle adaptations (complementary functions) (ISO Code: 12.12.08) Vehicle adaptations (for accessibility, usability,comfort) (ISO Code: 12.12.27) Vehicle adaptations (parking brake) (ISO Code: 12.12.05) Vehicle adaptations (speed control) (ISO Code: 12.12.05) Vehicle adaptations (steering system) (ISO Code: 12.12.07) Vehicle cushions (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Vehicle hoists for persons (excluding wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.12.15) Vehicle hoists for persons (including wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.12.18) Vehicle seat belts (ISO Code: 12.12.09) Vehicle seats (specially designed, also child) (ISO Code: 12.12.12) Vehicles (diverse four-wheeled motorized) (ISO Code: 12.17.09) Vehicles (diverse human powered) (ISO Code: 12.27) Vehicles (diverse motorized) (ISO Code: 12.17) Vertical accessibility (ISO Code: 18.30) Vibration conveyors (ISO Code: 28.06.12) Vibration reduction (ISO Code: 27.03.12) Vibrators (ISO Code: 04.27.12) Vibrators for sexual activity (ISO Code: 09.54.09) Vices (ISO Code: 28.12.06) Video information handling (ISO Code: 22.18) Video playing devices (ISO Code: 22.18.06) Video systems (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.18.39) Videophone (ISO Code: 22.24.04) Videos (production) (ISO Code: 30.15) Videotext decoders (ISO Code: 22.18.21) Vision (extending/adjusting) (ISO Code: 22.03.15) Visual information handling (ISO Code: 22.18) Visual orientation materials (ISO Code: 22.45.15) Visual systems (accessories) (ISO Code: 22.18.39) Vocational assessment/guidance (ISO Code: 28.27.03) Vocational assessment/training (ISO Code: 28.27) Vocational training (ISO Code: 28.27.07) Vocational training (assistive products) (ISO Code: 28) Voice amplifiers (personal use) (ISO Code: 22.09.06) Voice generators (ISO Code: 22.09.03) Voice production (ISO Code: 22.09) Voice training (ISO Code: 22.09.12) Walking (assistive products to hold it in placewhen not in use) (ISO Code: 12.07.27) Walking (assistive products, accessories supportfor specific body parts) (ISO Code: 12.07.15) Walking (assistive products, accessories) (ISO Code: 12.07) Walking (assistive products, manipulated by botharms) (ISO Code: 12.06) Walking (assistive products, manipulated by onearm) (ISO Code: 12.03) Walking (assistive products, not manipulated bythe arms) (ISO Code: 12.02) Walking chairs (ISO Code: 12.06.09) Walking frames (ISO Code: 12.06.03) Walking sticks (ISO Code: 12.03.03) Walking sticks (multi-tip) (ISO Code: 12.03.16) Walking sticks (with seat) (ISO Code: 12.03.18) Walking sticks with wheels (ISO Code: 12.03.24) Walking tables (ISO Code: 12.06.12) Walking trolleys (ISO Code: 12.06.07) Wall-mounted urinals (ISO Code: 09.12.39) Wash basins (ISO Code: 09.33.15) Washcloths with handle or grip (ISO Code: 09.33.30) Washing (ISO Code: 09.33) Washing machines (ISO Code: 15.15.33) Waste disposal (ISO Code: 15.12.27) Water purifiers (ISO Code: 27.03.18) Water softeners (ISO Code: 27.03.18) Water sports (ISO Code: 30.09.33) Weighing (food and drink) (ISO Code: 15.03.03) Weight balancers (ISO Code: 28.09.06) Weight support treadmill systems (ISO Code: 04.48.07) Wheelchair connections (to bicycles) (ISO Code: 12.24.36) Wheelchair tie-downs (vehicle equipment) (ISO Code: 12.12.24) Wheelchair-lifting tables (ISO Code: 18.30.05) Wheelchairs (assistant-controlled, electricallypowered) (ISO Code: 12.23.12) Wheelchairs (bimanual handrim-drive) (ISO Code: 12.22.03) Wheelchairs (bimanual lever-drive) (ISO Code: 12.22.06) Wheelchairs (combustion powered) (ISO Code: 12.23.09) Wheelchairs (devices to hold/carry objects, attached) (ISO Code: 12.24.42) Wheelchairs (electrically powered, electronicsteering) (ISO Code: 12.23.06) Wheelchairs (electrically powered, manual directsteering) (ISO Code: 12.23.03) Wheelchairs (foot-propelled) (ISO Code: 12.22.15) Wheelchairs (handrim-activated, power-assisted) (ISO Code: 12.22.12) Wheelchairs (manual) (ISO Code: 12.22) Wheelchairs (power-assisted, push,assistant-controlled) (ISO Code: 12.22.21) Wheelchairs (powered) (ISO Code: 12.23) Wheelchairs (powered, stair-climbing) (ISO Code: 12.23.15) Wheelchairs (push, assistant-controlled,human-powered) (ISO Code: 12.22.18) Wheelchairs (single-side manual drive) (ISO Code: 12.22.09) Wheelchairs (toilet) (ISO Code: 09.12.03) Wheeled stretchers (ISO Code: 12.27.20) Wheels (assistive products for walking) (ISO Code: 12.07.39) Wheels (wheelchairs) (ISO Code: 12.24.21) White canes (ISO Code: 12.08.03) Wigs (ISO Code: 06.30.03) Window cleaning equipment (ISO Code: 15.12.25) Window openers/closers (ISO Code: 18.21.06) Windows (ISO Code: 18.24.06) Winter sports (ISO Code: 30.09.36) Wired remote controls (ISO Code: 24.13.03) Wireless remote controls (ISO Code: 24.13.05) Woodworking (ISO Code: 30.18.09) Word processing software (ISO Code: 22.13.39) Work chairs (ISO Code: 28.03.09) Workbenches (ISO Code: 28.03.06) Workdesks (ISO Code: 28.03.03) Workpieces furniture (ISO Code: 28.03.15) Workplace furniture (ISO Code: 28.03) Workplace mats (ISO Code: 28.03.18) Wound care products (ISO Code: 04.49) Wraps (ISO Code: 09.03.05) Wringers (laundry) (ISO Code: 15.15.36) Wrist disarticulation prostheses (ISO Code: 06.18.06) Wrist joints (ISO Code: 06.06.33) Wrist units (ISO Code: 06.18.30) Wrist-hand orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.12) Wrist-hand-finger orthoses (ISO Code: 06.06.13) Writing boards /reading stands / book supportcushions (ISO Code: 22.13.06) Writing equipment (Braille) (ISO Code: 22.13.27) Writing frames (ISO Code: 22.13.09) Writing paper/plastic (special) (ISO Code: 22.13.33) Writing skills (developing, training) (ISO Code: 22.13.48) Zipper pullers (ISO Code: 09.09.15) Zippers (ISO Code: 09.03.48)