Emne (jvf. ISO klassifikation af hjælpemidler)
- Hjælpemidler til stemme- og talefunktioner (ISO 22.09)
- Læse-, skrive- og tegnehjælpemidler (ISO 22.13)
- Tekst- og multimediesoftware (ISO 22.13.39)
- Outputenheder (ISO 22.39)
Emne (jvf. ICF Klassifikation af Funktionsevne, Funktionsevnenedsættelse og Helbredstilstand)
- Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions (ICF b7)
Indra is a global consulting, technology, innovation and talent company. The Indra Accessible Technology University Projects is the name given to the series of collaboration projects that Indra is involved with alongside knowledge institutions for the development of innovative solutions and services in the field of accessibility and social inclusion.