Emne (jvf. ISO klassifikation af hjælpemidler)
- Billedforstørrende systemer (ISO 22.03.18)
- Tekst-til-tale-udstyr og -software (ISO 22.13.15)
- Hjælpemidler til træning i matematik og naturfaglige fag (ISO 22.15.21)
- Samtaleapparater (ISO 22.21.09)
- Personlige nødalarmsystemer (ISO 22.29.06)
- Tastaturer (ISO 24.13.18)
- Computerpegeredskaber (ISO 24.13.21)
- Betjeningspinde (ISO 24.18.15)
- Fikseringssystemer (ISO 24.24.03)
Emne (jvf. ICF Klassifikation af Funktionsevne, Funktionsevnenedsættelse og Helbredstilstand)
- Mental functions (ICF b1)
- Voice and speech functions (ICF b3)
- Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions (ICF b7)
Leonardo Ausilionline is a company that deals with computer aids in which a multidisciplinary team that, in addition to the sale of the product, offers advice, training and assistance.
One of our goals is to offer a service that accompany the users at all stages of the path of choice and use of educational software and computer aids, aids for augmentative and alternative communication and environmental control systems.