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ISO Code

Orthoses are externally applied devices used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and skeletal systems; prostheses are externally applied devices used to replace, wholly or in part, an absent or deficient body segment.; Included are, e.g., body-powered and externally powered external orthoses, prostheses, cosmetic prostheses and orthopaedic footwear.; Excluded are endo-prostheses, which are not part of this International Standard.

Spinal and cranial orthoses

Orthoses that are designed to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and the skeletal systems of the spine and skull; the device may be custom-fabricated to meet the functional needs of the individual user or prefabricated to meet a particular set of functional requirements; the prefabricated devices may be adjustable to fit an individual user, or they may be ready-to-use so that adjustment is not possible or no adjustment is necessary for any user

Abdominal orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the abdomen

Upper limb orthoses

Orthoses that are designed to modify structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and the skeletal systems of the upper limbs; the devices may be custom fabricated, i.e. designed to meet the functional needs of an individual user, or prefabricated, i.e. designed to meet particular functional requirements; the prefabricated devices are adjustable, i.e. need adjustment for the individual user, or ready to use, i.e. need no adjustment for the individual user

Lower limb orthoses

Orthoses designed to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and the skeletal systems of the lower limb; the devices may be custom-fabricated, i.e. designed to meet the functional requirements of the individual user, or prefabricated, i.e. designed to meet particular functional requirements; the prefabricated devices are adjustable, i.e. need adjustment for the individual user, or ready to use, i.e. need no adjustment for the individual user

Functional neuromuscular stimulators and hybrid orthoses

Devices designed to compensate a loss of motor function by electrical stimulation; formally known as FES; Included are, e.g., functional electrical stimulators and hybrid orthotic systems used in combination with mechanical orthoses in hybrid orthotic systems.; Stimulators (not used as orthoses), see >04 27

Upper limb prostheses

A collection of compatible components usually produced by a single manufacturer, that can be integrated with any individually manufactured component to produce a range of different upper limb prostheses; Included are, e.g., cosmetic upper limb prostheses.

Lower limb prostheses

A collection of compatible components usually produced by a single manufacturer that can be integrated with any individually manufactured component to produce a range of different lower limb prostheses; Included are, e.g., cosmetic lower limb prostheses.

Prostheses other than limb prostheses

Devices used to replace totally, or in part, the appearance and function of an absent body segment other than limbs