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Select an ISO product classification code (codes defined by the ISO 9999:2011 standard). Click on 'search' in case you wish to get the results list. Click on the code description in case you wish to browse the classification.

ISO Code

Orthoses are externally applied devices used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and skeletal systems; prostheses are externally applied devices used to replace, wholly or in part, an absent or deficient body segment.; Included are, e.g., body-powered and externally powered external orthoses, prostheses, cosmetic prostheses and orthopaedic footwear.; Excluded are endo-prostheses, which are not part of this International Standard.

Lower limb orthoses

Orthoses designed to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuro-muscular and the skeletal systems of the lower limb; the devices may be custom-fabricated, i.e. designed to meet the functional requirements of the individual user, or prefabricated, i.e. designed to meet particular functional requirements; the prefabricated devices are adjustable, i.e. need adjustment for the individual user, or ready to use, i.e. need no adjustment for the individual user

Foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the foot; Included are, e.g., insoles and shoe inserts, pads, arch supports, heel cushions and heel cups and orthopaedic inlays.

Ankle-foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the ankle joint and the whole or part of the foot

Knee orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the knee joint

Knee-ankle-foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the knee and ankle joints and the foot

Leg orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the lower leg, i.e. with fracture treatment

Hip orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the hip joint

Hip-knee orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the hip and knee joints

Thigh orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the thigh, i.e. with fracture treatment

Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the hip, knee and ankle joints and the foot

Thoraco-lumbo/lumbo-sacral-hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the lumbar regions of the trunk, the hip, knee and ankle joints and the foot, with or without the thoracal part of the spine

Foot-toe joints

Orthotic joints used as components of lower limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the foot and toe joints

Ankle joints

Orthotic joints used as components of lower limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the ankle joint

Knee joints

Orthotic joints used as components of lower limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the knee joint

Hip joints

Orthotic joints used as components of lower limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the hip joint

Interface components for lower limb orthoses

Interface components in direct contact with the user; they transmit the forces between the orthosis and the user that result from its function and may retain the orthosis in place. Included are, e.g. shells, pads, straps, foot orthoses, shoes.

Structural components for lower limb orthoses

Structural components in direct contact the articulating and interface components and maintain the alignment of the orthosis. Included are, e.g. uprights, shells.

Finishing (cosmetic) components for lower limb orthoses

Cosmetic components that provide shape, colour and texture to orthoses. Included are, e.g. fillers, covers, sleeves.