Guided search - Assistive Products

Select an ISO product classification code (codes defined by the ISO 9999:2011 standard). Click on the number of products in case you wish to get the results list. Click on the code description in case you wish to browse the classification.

ISO Code
N. of products

Included are products intended to improve, monitor or maintain the medical condition of a person.; Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by healthcare professionals.

Assistive products for dialysis therapy

Devices for purifying the blood of a person; Assistive products for administering medicines, see >04 19; Sterilizing equipment, see >04 22; Bacteria culture media and equipment, see >04 24 06; Blood pressure meters, see >04 24 09; Blood analysis devices, equipment and materials, see >04 24 12; Body thermometers, see >04 24 24; Personal scales, see >04 24 27; Tables, see >18 03; Light fixtures, see >18 06; Sitting furniture, see >18 09; Water purifiers and water softeners, see >27 03 18

Haemodialysis units (HD)

Machines used regularly for purifying the blood of a person who has poorly functioning or absent kidneys; Included are, e.g., dialysers, monitors, blood pumps, heparin pumps and air detectors.

Units for continuous ambulant peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)

Body-worn devices for continuously purifying the blood of a person with poorly functioning or absent kidneys; Included are, e.g., infusion unit bags, frames, heaters and fistula cannulas.

Instrument sets for dialysis

Devices to connect a person to a dialyser; Included are, e.g., trays and forceps.; Sterilizing equipment, see >04 22