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ISO Code

Products intended to support or replace a person’s capacity to move indoors and outdoors, to transfer from one place to another or to use personal or public transportation. Assistive products attached to the body for supporting movement functions (orthoses) and replacing anatomical structures (prostheses), see >06. Furnishings, fixtures and other assistive products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments, see >18. Assistive products for controlling, carrying, moving and handling objects and devices, see >24. Assistive products for transporting objects in workplaces, see >28 06

Accessories for assistive products for walking

Devices designed for use with assistive products for walking with a specific purpose

Tips for assistive products for walking

Products that fit over the bottom of walking sticks, canes or crutches or the ends of walking frame or rollator legs to enhance the stability of the assistive product for walking. Included are, e.g. tips with additional anti-slip material, tips for walking on ice, flexible tips.

Products to properly grip assistive products for walking

Devices that enable a person to grasp securely a walking stick, cane, crutch, walking. frame or rollator. Included are, e.g. adjusted grips, grips with anti-slip material, grips of special material. such as foam. Grip adapters and attachments, see >241806

Accessories for assistive products for walking to provide support for specific body parts

Products attached to an assistive product for walking that support specific body parts so that the user remains properly positioned while the product is in use. Included are, e.g. underarm supports, back supports, head supports, safety belts. Assistive products for body stabilization, see >09 07

Pads, cushions and other accessories for assistive products for walking to prevent bruising or skin injury.

Products that can be added to walking sticks, canes, crutches, walking frames, rollators and walking tables to protect the user from bruising or skin injury caused by repeated. contact with a specific part of the assistive product for walking. Body-worn assistive products for body protection, see >09 06

Seats for assistive products for walking

Seats that can be added to canes, walking frames, rollators and walking tables that can support the weight of the person using the assistive product for walking. Included are, e.g. foldable and non-foldable solid seats for rollators, sling seats for rollators and walking tables.

Accessories attached to assistive products for walking to hold or carry objects

Included are, e.g. baskets, pouches, hooks, lay trays, tables, bags, holders for oxygen units, holders for umbrellas, holders for walking frames and rollators to carry walking sticks, canes or crutches. Suspenders and fastening devices for urine collectors, see >092713

Products to hold assistive products for walking in place when not in use

Devices to fix in place a walking stick, cane, crutch or walking frame or to park a rollator. Included are, e.g. walking stick holders or cane holders attached to a table and parking brakes. Devices attached to wheelchairs to hold or carry objects, see >122442

Accessories to enable a person to maneuver assistive products for walking

Products added to assistive products for walking to enable the user to go in a desired direction and to control speed. Included are, e.g. push bars, anti-swivelling wheels, devices to overcome thresholds and curbs, continuous brakes.

Accessories to adjust height of rollators and walking frames

Devices that can be added or attached to a rollator or walking frame to increase the height of assistive products for walking

Lights and safety signalling devices for assistive products for walking

Devices that can be attached to an assistive product for walking to illuminate its surroundings or to mark its position. Included are, e.g. reflectors.

Tyres and wheels for assistive products for walking

Wheels that can be added to a walking frame with two wheels or a rollator to replace existing wheels, or wheels that can be attached to a walking frame on legs not originally equipped with wheels. Included are, e.g. wheels that include a portion of the leg of a walking frame or rollator.