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Select an ISO product classification code (codes defined by the ISO 9999:2011 standard). Click on 'search' in case you wish to get the results list. Click on the code description in case you wish to browse the classification.

ISO Code
Assistive products for self-care activities and participation in self-care

Products intended to support daily care of oneself, including washing and drying oneself, caring for one’s body and body parts, dressing, and protecting one’s body. Included are, e.g. assistive products for dressing and undressing, for body protection, fo

Assistive products for collecting urine and faeces

Included are, e.g. connecting units (tubes, connectors, valves).

Closed-ended urine collection bags

Flexible containers for collecting urine without an opening for drainage of the contents

Open-ended urine collection bags

Flexible containers for collecting urine with an opening for drainage of the contents

Non-body-worn urinals and urine bottles

Bedpans, see >091233. Body-worn urinals for women, see >092415. Body-worn urinals for men, see >092421

Suspenders and fastening devices for urine collectors

Devices for securing a collection bag to the body, mobile pole, chair, wheelchair, bed, etc.

Urine collection systems

Products that include all of the components and attachments required for collection of urine

Faeces collection bags

Body-worn flexible containers for collecting faeces from the rectum

Automatic toileting systems for collecting urine and faeces

Included are automated urine absorbing devices.