Búsqueda guiada - Normativa

Búsqueda por clasificación ISO (códigos definidos por la norma ISO 9999: 2007). (Para obtener una lista de resultados seleccione "buscar"; para navegar por la clasificaciόn seleccione por códigos ISO)

Código ISO
Productos de apoyo para el cuidado y la protección personal

Se incluyen por ejemplo, productos de apoyo para vestirse y desvestirse, para protección corporal, para higiene personal, para el cuidado de traqueotomías, ostomías e incontinencia, y para actividades sexuales. Productos de apoyo para comer y beber, véase 15 09.

Productos de apoyo para ostomía

Dispositivos usados para recoger los excrementos mediante una abertura artificial en los intestinos (un estoma). Productos de protección para la piel, véase 09 21 18.

One-piece effluent systems for ostomy care

Systems for collecting bodily waste matter through a stoma or fistula consisting of a stoma plate for attachment on the skin around the stoma or fistula which is connected. to a bag, which is either closed or drainable

Plates for two-piece effluent systems for ostomy care

The components of effluent collection systems that are attached to the skin around the stoma or fistula allowing the attachment or removal of a bag while the component itself. remains in position

Bags for two piece effluent systems for ostomy care

The components of effluent collection systems that can be removed consisting of a bag, which is either closed or drainable, for collecting bodily waste matter from a stoma or fistula. Included are, e.g. high output bags.

Additional bags for ostomy care

Extra bags that can be connected to the bag of a stoma system to have additional. capacity for collecting bodily waste

Assistive products for supporting and holding in place effluent systems for ostomy care

Products that provide support in order to ensure the correct position of a stoma plate or a stoma bag in case of a parastomal herniation. Included are, e.g. belts.

Filling products for ostomy care

Products with the purpose to attach the one-piece effluent systems or the plates of the two-piece effluent systems to the skin, to make even unevenness in the ostomy area, and to prevent leakage

Assistive product for dilatating stoma

Products that are used to keep open or widen the opening through which bodily waste. is drained from the intestines or the urinary tract. Included are, e.g. dilatators, hegars, Ace stoppers.

Productos de apoyo para irrigación intestinal

Se incluyen, por ejemplo, productos para vaciar los intestinos.

Assistive products for draining or flushing internal stoma

Equipment for draining or flushing an internal stoma. Included are, e.g. tubes for draining bodily waste from an internal stoma either directly. into, e.g. the toilet, or connected to a bag collecting bodily waste.

Assistive products for sealing stoma

Devices that protect or plug-up the stoma to protect it from harmful external influences. Included are, e.g. stoma shields, stoma plugs, special blisters.

Bolsas y accesorios para el postoperatorio de ostomía

Bolsas y accesorios que se utilizan con fines de postoperatorio cuando se realiza y mantiene un estoma. Se incluyen, por ejemplo, productos estériles.

Accessories for ostomy care

Included are, e.g. odour absorbents, pocket supports for ostomy bags, ostomy bag. closures, products to condense bodily waste, lubricants, cotton overs.