Recherche assistée ISO - Nouvelles

Rechercher les produits par la classification ISO (ISO 9999:2011). (Pour obtenir la liste des résultats sélectionner le lien "recherche", pour naviguer dans la classification ISO sélectionner le nom ISO)

Classification ISO
Produits d'assistance à la gestion de la communication et à l'information

Dispositifs permettant de soutenir ou de remplacer la capacité d'une personne à recevoir, à envoyer, à produire et à traiter des informations sous différentes formes, y compris en ce qui concerne la communication par le langage, les signes et les symboles, la réception et la production de messages, la conduite d'une conversation et l'utilisation d'appareils et de tecniques de communication. Les aides à la vision, à l'ouïe, à la lecture, à l'écriture, au téléphone, à la signalisation, aux alarmes et aux technologies de l'information, par exemple, en font partie.

Assistive products for reading, writing and drawing

Included are products for handling reading and writing materials. Letter and symbol sets and boards, see 22 21 03. Tools, materials and equipment for creative pictorial design, 30 18 15.

Page turners

Devices used for turning pages in e.g., books, newspapers and magazines. Operating sticks, see 24 18 15.

Writing boards, reading stands and book support cushions

Stands, boards, manuscript holders, and cushions for holding or supporting reading and writing materials, e.g. paper and books. Reading desks, writing desks and standing desks, see 18 03 06. Bed tables, see 18 03 15.

Signature guides, stamps and writing frames

Devices for assisting a person to write a signature or hand-written characters in the desired position or to produce a printed signature using a stamp.

Reading masks and typoscopes

Devices that enable a limited area of text to be visible at one time.

Text-to-speech devices and software

Devices and software for reading aloud printed or digital text with an electronic voice. Included are reading machines, reading pens, screen readers and electronic voices.

OCR equipment and OCR software

Scanners and software used to recognize and transform printed text into digital format. Included are hand-held scanners.

DAISY players and e-book readers

Included are, e.g. software for DAISY players and e-book readers.

Manual devices for drawing and handwriting

Included are, e.g. ball pens, pencils, brushes, drawing compasses, rulers, set squares, and holders for the above.

Manual Braille writing equipment

Devices for producing embossed Braille characters on paper with a special stylus or a stick.


Included are manual and electric typewriters and e.g. Braille typewriters.

Special writing paper/plastic

Materials for hard copies with special effects for tactile recognition.

Portable note-taking devices for Braille

Portable devices for storing information with the use of braille.

Text and multimedia processing software

Software for writing, editing, organizing and storing text and multimedia materials. Included are e.g. software for word prediction, Braille and DAISY. Office software and industrial software, see 28 21 12.

Drawing and painting software

Software for enabling drawing and painting activities with computers. Office software and industrial software, see 28 21 12.

Assistive products for training in reading

Products for training and developing reading skills, e.g. strategy, approach and performance.

Assistive products for training in writing

Products for training and developing writing skills. Included are e.g. assistive products for training in typing.

Assistive products for Braille training

Manual Braille writing equipment, see 22 13 27. Portable note-taking devices for Braille, see 22 13 36.