Product Type:
Technology: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Areas of Application:
- For use with pain in the knee and elbow
- Pacemaker
- Epilepsy
- Pregnancy
- Cardiac arrhythmia
Features / Components:
- 4 pre-programmed applications
- Intensity adjustable from 0 to 20
- Water contact electrodes
- Wear-free contact electrodes
- Removable control element
- Battery change indicator
- Countdown timer
- Safety shutdown
- Beurer EM 29 2-in-1
- Universal cuff for knee and elbow (circumference approx. 25 - 70 cm)
- 2 wear-free contact electrodes
- Control element with LCD and practical belt clip
Technical Data:
Size (H x W x D): 8.6 x 8.3 x 3.6 cm
Modulation: symmetrical, biphasic square wave
Output voltage: 50 V p-p at 500 Ohm
Output current: 100 mA p-p at 500 Ohm
Output frequency: 2 - 110 Hz
Pulse width: 60-220 µs per phase
Price (without guarantee):
Price available on request from the manufacturer / distributor.