Marisa is 76 years old, she is retired, widow and lived alone before the disease. After an ischemic brain injury affecting the right middle cerebral artery area, she has an emisyndrome with an important impairment of the left upper limb. Son and grandchildren do not understand her need of autonomy as they are willing to take the full burden of care , thus not letting Marisa return to her beloved house on the hills where she would like to live alone. Despite this situation, Marisa decided to recover her independence, demonstrating she can live alone. Actually the solutions adopted were aimed at organising her living environment, personal care and daily life activities that require manual manipulations. In particular, replacement strategies have been adopted, as well as low-tech aids (ergonomic comb, nail file with fitted handle...). Moreover a partial adaptation of the house was carried out by changing the kitchen equipment (to create an environment as ergonomic as possible) and making minor changes to the bathroom. The project also aims to highlight how fundamental the psychological individual motivation is during rehabilitation.
Ämne (enligt ISO-klassificeringen för hjälpmedelsprodukter)
- Strumppådragare (ISO 09.09.03)
- Bath boards (ISO 09.33.04)
- Bath seats (ISO 09.33.05)
- Nagelfilar och nagelplattor (ISO 09.36.06)
- Nagelsaxar och nagelklippare (ISO 09.36.09)
- Kammar och hårborstar (ISO 09.39.06)
- Matlagningshjälpmedel (ISO 15.03)
- Hjälpmedel för att skära, hacka och sönderdela för att tillreda mat och dryck (ISO 15.03.06)
- Ledstänger (ISO 18.18.03)
- Vatten- och gasarmaturer (ISO 18.24.03)
- Påbyggnadsgrepp och adaptrar (ISO 24.18.06)