نتائج البحث - المنتجات المساعدة

عدد المنتجات المعثور عليها: 379. محددات البحث: رمز ISO: 04.19;

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  • Insulin-Spritze Omnifix 40 Solo

    Insulin-Spritze Omnifix 40 Solo

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, single-use (كود ISO 04.19.09)
    منتج: B. Braun SE
    Insert date: 09/10/2014 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Insulinspritze 1 ml

    Insulinspritze 1 ml

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, single-use (كود ISO 04.19.09)
    منتج: Dispomed GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 04/02/2020 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Insulin-Spritze Omnican 40

    Insulin-Spritze Omnican 40

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, single-use (كود ISO 04.19.09)
    منتج: B. Braun SE
    Insert date: 03/02/2020 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Einmalspritzen 1 ml TBC/Heparin

    Einmalspritzen 1 ml TBC/Heparin

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, single-use (كود ISO 04.19.09)
    منتج: Dispomed GmbH & Co. KG
    Insert date: 04/02/2020 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Henke-Aspirationsspritze Astra

    Henke-Aspirationsspritze Astra

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2008 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Henke-Dent 100 A und 100 B

    Henke-Dent 100 A und 100 B

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
    Insert date: 02/01/2008 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Ganzmetallspritze nach Schimmelbusch

    Ganzmetallspritze nach Schimmelbusch

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: KIRCHNER & WILHELM GmbH + Co. KG
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Feindosierradspritze HSW Soft-Ject

    Feindosierradspritze HSW Soft-Ject

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
    Insert date: 06/05/2019 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Intraligamental-Anästhesie-Spritze HSW Ligmaject

    Intraligamental-Anästhesie-Spritze HSW Ligmaject

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
    Insert date: 13/02/2020 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database:
  • Zinkdruckguss- / Edelstahl-Spritze HSW Henke-Ject

    Zinkdruckguss- / Edelstahl-Spritze HSW Henke-Ject

    Assistive products for administering medicines (كود ISO 04.19)
    Injection syringes, multi-use (كود ISO 04.19.12)
    منتج: Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH
    Insert date: 13/02/2020 - Latest update: 21/05/2024
    Source database: