نتائج البحث - المنتجات المساعدة

عدد المنتجات المعثور عليها: 211. محددات البحث: رمز ISO: 09.24;

تعديل معايير البحث الخاصة بك

If you do not wish to see information from any of the national databases then remove the tick above its name by clicking on it and then clicking on the 'Refresh' button.

National Databases operated by Partners and Affiliates of the EASTIN Association:
Databases operated by other Organizations across the world:
Providers of EASTIN central Database:

  • Whiz Freedom

    Whiz Freedom

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Urine chutes (كود ISO 09.24.12)
    منتج: Jbol Ltd.
    Insert date: 24/07/2014 - Latest update: 09/02/2023
    Source database:
  • Penrose for Men

    Penrose for Men

    Body-worn urinals for men (كود ISO 09.24.21)
    منتج: الشركة المصنعة غير معروفة ؛ راجع قاعدة البيانات الأصلية للموردين الوطنيين
    Insert date: 13/06/2019 - Latest update: 05/01/2023
    Source database:
  • Savanah Sentry Splash Guard

    Savanah Sentry Splash Guard

    Urine chutes (كود ISO 09.24.12)
    منتج: Unknown
    Insert date: 05/04/2006 - Latest update: 03/01/2023
    Source database:
    DLF Data (GB)
  • Teleskopspiegel


    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Assistive products for self-catheterization (كود ISO 09.24.18)
    منتج: ROTH GmbH
    Insert date: 30/12/2006 - Latest update: 18/11/2022
    Source database:
  • Synthetik-Kondome – Anti-Allergen, Kombi-Packung

    Synthetik-Kondome – Anti-Allergen, Kombi-Packung

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Penile sheaths (كود ISO 09.24.09)
    منتج: Manfred Sauer GmbH
    Insert date: 30/12/2007 - Latest update: 17/11/2022
    Source database:
  • LoFric DilaCath

    LoFric DilaCath

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Intermittent catheters inserted through the urethra (كود ISO 09.24.06)
    منتج: Wellspect HealthCare Germany
    Insert date: 25/04/2014 - Latest update: 16/11/2022
    Source database:
  • Henri-Ballonkatheter


    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Long-term indwelling catheters (كود ISO 09.24.03)
    منتج: UROMASTER GmbH
    Insert date: 04/04/2017 - Latest update: 16/11/2022
    Source database:
  • KONTICUR Kath H+

    KONTICUR Kath H+

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Intermittent catheters inserted through the urethra (كود ISO 09.24.06)
    منتج: FOR LIFE Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft für Heil- und Hilfsmittel mbH
    Insert date: 25/11/2016 - Latest update: 16/11/2022
    Source database:
  • Thiasil Silikon-Ballonkatheter

    Thiasil Silikon-Ballonkatheter

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Long-term indwelling catheters (كود ISO 09.24.03)
    منتج: Kathia Medizinsysteme GmbH
    Insert date: 06/12/2016 - Latest update: 16/11/2022
    Source database:
  • Hydrosil Go

    Hydrosil Go

    Urine diverters (كود ISO 09.24)
    Intermittent catheters inserted through the urethra (كود ISO 09.24.06)
    منتج: Bard Medical Division
    Insert date: 18/10/2016 - Latest update: 16/11/2022
    Source database: