Guided søgning - Ideer

Søgning via ISO klassifikation (koder i henhold til ISO 9999:2007). (Vælg "søge" linket for at se listen over valgte produkter; vælg kode beskrivelsen for at søge igennem klassifikationen)

ISO Kode
Hjælpemidler til at måle, støtte, træne eller erstatte kropsfunktioner

Hjælpemidler som monitorerer eller vurderer en persons medicinske tilstand, og hjælpemidler som støtter eller erstatter en specifik kropsfunktion. Herunder hører fx hjælpemidler som anvendes i medicinsk behandling. Inkluderer ikke hjælpemidler, som udelukkende bruges af sundhedspersonale. Hjælpemidler til undervisning og træning i færdigheder, se 05. Kropsbårne hjælpemidler til neuromusculoskeletal støtte eller til at støtte bevægelser knyttet til funktioner (ortoser) og til at erstatte anatomiske strukturer (proteser), se 06. Vippelejer, se 05 36 06. Synshjælpemidler, se 22 03. Hørehjælpemidler, se 22 06.

Hjælpemidler til kognitiv behandling

Hjælpemidler til kognitiv terapi, inklusiv dukke-terapi og terapi, som stimulerer hukommelsen hos personer som lider af hukommelsesvanskeligheder. Herunder hører dukker og robotter til terapi. Hjælpemidler som understøtter hukommelsen, se 22 27 16.

Assistive products for memory training

Devices and software for training a person to remember.

Assistive products for training in sequencing

Products for training a person to put words, actions, numbers, etc. in the correct order.

Assistive products for training in attention

Products for developing concentration and other functions of attention.

Assistive products for training in concept development

Products for training a person to understand concepts such as colour, size, and shape.

Assistive products for training in classification

Products for training a person to group related things together.

Assistive products for training in problem solving

Devices and software for training a person in solving conceptual and specific problems.

Assistive products for training inductive/deductive reasoning

Products to train logical thinking when drawing conclusions from a set of facts and generalizing and interpreting them.

Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect

Assistive products for developing and enhancing understanding of cause and effect

Assistive products for social training

Included are, e.g. therapy dolls and social robots. Memory support products, see 22 28 12.

Assistive products for training in understanding of time

Products for training in the concept and function of time.

Other products to enhance cognitive function

Other assistive products to support being and going among other people.