Juhendav otsing - Abi- ja hõlbustusvahendid

Saate otsida toote ISO-koodi järgi (ISO standardis 9999:2022 määratletud koodid). Tulemuste loendi kuvamiseks kõlpsake tootenumbril. Koodi kuvamiseks valige koodikirjeldus.

Toodete arv
Personaalse liikumise ja transpordiga seotud abivahendid

Tooted eesmärgiga toetada või asendada isiku suutlikkust liikumisel sise- ja välisruumis, liikuda ühest kohast teise või kasutada isiklikku või ühistransporti. Ortoosid ja proteesid, vt 06. Mööbel jt abivahendid toetamaks tegevusi inimtekkelistes sise- ja väliskeskkondades, vt 18. Abivahendid esemete ja seadmete juhtimiseks, kandmiseks, liigutamiseks ja käsitsemiseks, vt 24. Töökohal esemete transportimise abivahendid, vt 28 06

Accessories for wheelchair seating

Accessories for providing support for the sitting position in wheelchairs. Included are, e.g. lap trays for attaching to the wheelchair.

Back supports for wheelchairs

Accessories that are interchangeable with the original back support of the wheelchair. Included are, e.g. components of back supports and brackets for mounting. Back cushions and back pads for tissue integrity, see 04 33 04. Back cushions and back pads, s

Seat cushions and underlays

Cushions and other devices that are placed on a seat to correct and maintain a stable sitting position. Seat cushions and underlays for tissue integrity, see 04 33 03.

Arm supports for wheelchairs

Included are, e.g. arm troughs. Arm supports to permit manual activities, see 24 18 27.

Head supports and neck supports for wheelchairs

Supports for stabilizing a person’s head while seated in a wheelchair. Included are, e.g. components of head supports and brackets for mounting.

Leg supports and foot supports for wheelchairs

Included are, e.g. leg supports, foot supports, footplates, stump supports that are attached to a wheelchair, abductors, adductors, knee separators. Leg rests and foot rests for sitting furniture, see 18 10 15.

Trunk supports and pelvic supports for wheelchairs

Devices that are attached to or incorporated into a wheelchair to provide support to, or to stabilize, a person’s shoulders, torso, hips or pelvic region when sitting. Assistive products for body stabilization, see 09 07.

Lap trays for wheelchairs

Products that can be attached to a wheelchair or placed on the lap of a sitting person that provide a flat surface that may stabilize the sitting position and on which activities can be carried out or objects can be placed. Assistive products for carrying