Guidet søk - Kasusbeskrivelser

Søk etter ISO-klassifiseringskode (koder i henhold til ISO 9999: 2007-standarden). Velg "Søk" for å se listen over produkter. Velg kodebeskrivelse for å søke i klassifiseringen.

Assistive products for self-care activities and participation in self-care

Products intended to support daily care of oneself, including washing and drying oneself, caring for one’s body and body parts, dressing, and protecting one’s body. Included are, e.g. assistive products for dressing and undressing, for body protection, fo

Assistive products to prevent involuntary urine leakage

Assistive products that prevent urine from coming out involuntarily. Included are, e.g. urethra plugs, vaginal bows, penis clamps, inflatable balloons to pinch off the urethra, pessaries.

Assistive products to prevent involuntary faeces leakage

Assistive products that prevent faeces from coming out involuntarily. Included are, e.g. anal tampons, anal plugs.

Incontinence alarms

Devices that produce a signal when involuntary urination or defecation takes place. Muscle stimulators not used as orthoses, see 04 27 09.