Guidet søk - Kasusbeskrivelser

Søk etter ISO-klassifiseringskode (koder i henhold til ISO 9999: 2007-standarden). Velg "Søk" for å se listen over produkter. Velg kodebeskrivelse for å søke i klassifiseringen.

Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a person’s capacity to move indoors and outdoors, to transfer from one place to another or to use personal or public transportation. Orthoses and prostheses, see 06. Furnishings, fixtures and other assistive product

Cars, vans and pick-up trucks

Automobiles, vans and trucks for personal use and vans for use in public transportation that are manufactured to accommodate operators or passengers with disability. Carts, trucks and lorries for workplaces, see 28 06 04. Assistive products for camping an

Cars, vans and pick-up trucks with height-adjustable chassis

Cars, vans and pick-up trucks that enable drivers or passengers to enter and exit by lowering the vehicle’s chassis to bring the floor of the vehicle to ground level.

Low-speed cars

Motorized vehicles with a restricted maximum speed for use on public roads; used in some countries to allow a person to drive without a driver’s licence.

Cars, vans and pick-up trucks with raised roof

Cars, vans and pick-up trucks that are originally equipped with a high roof to accommodate a person in a wheelchair inside of the vehicle.