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Søk etter ISO-klassifiseringskode (koder i henhold til ISO 9999: 2007-standarden). Velg "Søk" for å se listen over produkter. Velg kodebeskrivelse for å søke i klassifiseringen.

Orthoses and prostheses

Orthoses are externally applied devices used to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems; prostheses are externally applied devices used to replace, wholly or in part, an absent or deficient body segment. In

Upper limb orthoses

Orthoses designed to modify structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems of the upper limbs; the devices may be custom fabricated or prefabricated; the prefabricated devices may be adjustable or ready to use

Finger orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of a finger.

Hand orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the hand

Hand-finger orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the whole or part of the hand and the whole or part of one or more fingers.

Wrist-hand orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the wrist joint and the whole or part of the hand.

Wrist-hand-finger orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the wrist joint and the hand and one or more fingers

Elbow orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the elbow joint

Elbow-wrist-hand orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the elbow and wrist joints and the whole or part of the hand

Forearm orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the forearm with or without the elbow or wrist joints, i.e. with fracture treatment.

Shoulder orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the shoulder joint

Shoulder-elbow orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the shoulder and elbow joints

Upper arm orthoses

Devices that encompass the upper arm with or without the shoulder or elbow joints, i.e. with treatment of fractures.

Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthoses

Orthoses that encompass the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints and the whole or part of the hand

Hand joints and finger joints

Articulating components of upper limb orthoses to allow or control motion of anatomical hand and finger joints

Wrist joints

Articulating components of upper limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the anatomical wrist joint

Elbow joints

Articulating components of upper limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the anatomical elbow joint

Shoulder joints

Articulating components of upper limb orthoses to allow or control motion of the anatomical shoulder joint

Interface components for upper limb orthoses

Interface components in direct contact with the user; they transmit the forces between the orthosis and the user which result from its function and may retain the orthosis in place. Included are, e.g. shells, pads, straps.

Structural components for upper limb orthoses

Structural components of orthoses connect the articulating and interface components and maintain the alignment of the orthosis. Included are, e.g. uprights, shells.

Finishing (cosmetic) components for upper limb orthoses

Cosmetic components are the means of providing shape, colour and texture to orthoses. Included are, e.g. fillers, covers, sleeves.