ISO Poizvedba - Podporne tehnologije

Iskanje po ISO klasifikaciji izdelka (uporablja šifre, opredeljene s standardom ISO 9999:2022). (Za seznam rezultatov izberite številko pripomočka; za iskanje po klasifikaciji, izberite ISO ime)

ISO klasifikacija
N. of products
Medicinski pripomočki za merjenje, podporo, urjenje ali nadomeščanje funkcij telesa

Izdelki, ki spremljajo ali ocenjujejo zdravstveno stanje osebe in pripomočki, ki podpirajo ali zagotavljajo nadomestek za določeno telesno funkcijo. Vključeni so, npr. pripomočki, ki se uporabljajo pri "medicinskem zdravljenju". Izključeni so pomožni pripomočki, ki jih uporabljajo izključno zdravstveni delavci. Pripomočki za izobraževanje in usposabljanje na področju spretnosti, glej 05. Pripomočki, pritrjeni na telo, ki podpirajo funkcijo živčno-mišično-skeletnega sistema ali funkcije gibanja (ortoze) in nadomeščajo anatomske strukture (proteze), glej 06. Nagibne mize, glej 05 36 06. Podporni izdelki za vid, glej 22 03. Podporni izdelki za sluh, glej 22 06.

Assistive products for stimulating senses

Assistive products for increasing, reducing or stabilizing sensory stimuli. Included are, e.g. assistive products for sensory integration and perceptual training..

Assistive products for stimulating senses with light

Included are, e.g. assistive products for light therapy. Assistive products for light therapy, see 04 09. Assistive products for heat treatment, see 04 30 03.

Assistive products for stimulating senses with sound

Assistive products for sound therapy and stimulation of senses with sound waves. Included are, e.g. tinnitus masks. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06.

Assistive products for stimulating senses by physical touch

Assistive product for stimulation of senses by static or dynamic physical touch. Included are, e.g. covers, cushions, clothing, brushes, balls for sensory stimulation..

Assistive products for training in perceptual discrimination and matching

Equipment that enables a person to distinguish between, match and categorize external stimuli. Included are, e.g. vibrating chairs (for training deaf persons)..

Assistive products for training in perceptual coordination

Equipment for training to improve ability to correctly process and coordinate external stimuli, especially those relating to concepts of space and time, spatial concepts and eye-hand coordination.

Assistive products for training in sensory integration

Products for facilitating the coordination and integration of incoming sensory information to the brain from different senses.