البحث الإرشادي - المنتجات المساعدة

حدد رمز تصنيف منتج ISO (الرموز المحددة بواسطة معيار ISO 9999:2022). انقر على عدد المنتجات في حال كنت ترغب في الحصول على قائمة النتائج. اضغط على وصف الكود في حالة رغبتك في تصفح التصنيف.

كود ISO
عدد المنتجات
Assistive products for measuring, stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions

Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition and products for stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions. Included are, e.g. products used in medical treatment. Excluded are assistive products used exclusively by hea

Assistive products for light therapy

Assistive products for stimulating senses with light, see 04 28 03. Assistive products for heat treatment, see 04 30 03.

Ultraviolet A (UVA) lamps

Therapy lamps with long wave ultraviolet rays, used primarily for the treatment of skin conditions

Selective Ultraviolet Phototherapy (SUP) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) lamps

Therapy lamps with short wave ultraviolet rays, used primarily for the treatment of skin conditions

Protective eyeglasses for light therapy

Devices for protecting the eyes from ultraviolet rays. Assistive products for eye protection or face protection, see >090606